Machaira with Apostle Bennie, The word of God



The Love-Life Agency

Your greatest weakness is ignorance. Beloved, this week go for the knowledge of God.
Apostle Bennie
Friday, 4th October, 2024


“The wise men shall be put to shame; they shall be dismayed and taken; behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD, so what wisdom is in them?”

Jeremiah 8:9 (ESV)

You cannot pursue the knowledge of God outside His Word.

You may be inexperienced or childlike, but when the Word of God enters you it informs your heart and conditions you with great understanding.

“The unfolding of Your [glorious] words give light; Their unfolding gives understanding to the simple (childlike)” Psalm 119:130 (Amplified Bible)

This is why the Psalmist desired the word of God even more than gold. And to him, the word is sweeter than honey, even the honey dripping from the comb. (Psalm 19:10).

And the word of God has no expiring date. It abides forever.

“BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURES FOREVER.” And this is the word [the good news of salvation] which was preached to you.” 1 Peter 1:25 (Amplified Bible)

No trending issue is more current and relevant for your life today than the Word of God.

Whatever God has said in His Word is useful to you today.

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope” Romans 15:4 (ESV)

Both the failures and the success stories; the unpleasant and pleasant events were written in the scriptures for our learning. The more you esteem and study the word the richer you become in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

The illumination of the Word sets you up ahead of your generation. It gives you an advantage of practical and experiential knowledge. It supplies you with answers to hard puzzles and enigmas of life.

The ultimate word of God has come through Christ Jesus. The full revelation of God was spoken through Christ Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-2)

The revelation of the Word of God through Jesus Christ ushers you into the enjoyment of the better things we have in Christ.

In this new series, I want to address the FIVE BETTER NOTS.

In the book of Hebrews, the author pointed out BETTER THINGS God has given us through Christ Jesus.

However, there are five better nots we must consider in our walk with God. When you decide not to do these five things you will enjoy the better things which we have in Christ.


As simple as these things are, they will help you live the higher life God has destined for you.

1. DON’T DISREGARD the Gospel of Christ.

When you value the Gospel of Christ, you will give it all the necessary attention and will keep it as the most important treasure.

“Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.” Hebrews 2:1 (KJV)

Until you have the attitude of not disregarding the Word of Grace, it will not bear much fruit in you. The Word of Grace brings you into the enjoyment of the great salvation Jesus has provided.


(Hebrews 12:25-26; Proverbs 3:21; Hebrews 2:2-4; Deuteronomy 4:9)
We pray that we shall not in any way undermine the potency of the Word of Christ.
Mark 14 -16
– The word of God is my advantage.
– I esteem the word more than all my life’s pursuits.
– I love and treasure the revelation of God because the word is the embodiment of God’s thoughts and wisdom.
– I give myself continually to the study and meditation of the word.
– I give no room for any pleasure of life to sway my attention.
Through the scriptures, I live ahead of my generation.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus!

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Gbali Gershon
Gbali Gershon
18 hours ago


*Hebrews 12:25-26*
“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape who turn away from Him who speaks from heaven.” (NKJV)

*Proverbs 3:21*
“My son, let them not depart from your eyes; Keep sound wisdom and discretion.” (NKJV)

*Hebrews 2:2-4*
“For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” (NKJV)

*Deuteronomy 4:9*
“Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life.” (NKJV)

Nkpedzi prosper
Nkpedzi prosper
17 hours ago

I give no room for any pleasure of life to sway my attention.
Thank you Jesus

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago


Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
17 hours ago

The word of God has no expiring date. It abides forever.

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
13 hours ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

What a blessed assurance!!

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
13 hours ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

The Word of God abides forever!!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
17 hours ago

I highly esteem and study the word of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
17 hours ago

I am rich in knowledge, wisdom and understanding because I give myself wholly to the word of God.

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

Thank You Lord Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
16 hours ago

I don’t disregard the gospel of Christ.

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

In the name of Jesus

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
15 hours ago

Thank You Lord. The Gospel of Christ is a treasure to me. I don’t disregard it.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
15 hours ago

Thank you Lord Jesus.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
15 hours ago

I esteem the word of God more than any pursuit of life

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
15 hours ago

I pursue knowledge

15 hours ago

OMG….. I regard and give preeminence to the Gospel of Christ. The very gospel that gave me eternal life.
I continue in this truth

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago

The gospel of our lord Jesus. Kai

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago

My life is unto the course of the gospel

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago

Thank You Jesus for this word so powerful and true

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
15 hours ago

Unto this Gospel have I given myself to, to produce fruitfulness and yield prosperity.

Andrews nKofi Sarpong
Andrews nKofi Sarpong
15 hours ago

Thank you sweet Jesus
I donot disregard the gospel

Lillian Akosua Tutuwaa Gyamfi
Lillian Akosua Tutuwaa Gyamfi
15 hours ago

Thank you Lord for bringing me to the knowledge of your word.
I don’t disregard the word of God

Samuel Larbi
Samuel Larbi
15 hours ago

I don’t disregard the gospel of Jesus Christ

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
14 hours ago

Thank you Lord for your word

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
14 hours ago

I give myself continually to the study and the meditation of the word

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
14 hours ago

I don’t disregard the word of God… In the name of Jesus

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
12 hours ago

I esteem the word more than all my life’s pursuits.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
12 hours ago

And the word of God has no expiring date. It abides forever!!


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
12 hours ago

The Word of God is timeless and unchanging.”

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
10 hours ago

I soo much love this statement ;
” the word of God has no expiring date . It is the oldest book with the latest news. It abides forever!!”.

Herbert Gaddi
Herbert Gaddi
8 hours ago

I am not swayed by pleasures and pursuits of this world. I fully avail myself to the study of the WORD OF GOD! Hallelujah

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