Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Beloved, this is a fruitful week for you. Step out with that conviction and bear fruits unto Christ. Shalom Aleichem!
Apostle Bennie
Saturday, 28th September, 2024


“And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.”

Luke 22:31 (NKJV)

One of the greatest fears of the adversary is a man who is focused on God and full of great faith.

The devil knows that the purpose of God is worked through men who are full of faith.

This is it, the gap between God’s Plan and the fulfilment of His Plan within a generation is His People. God executes His plans and purposes through faithful men.

This is why God invests His graces, wisdom, favor and love into men. He designed man to be the expression and execution of His purpose.

“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].” Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Bible)
When a man is planted in God, He bears the God-kind of fruits.
Thus, to stop you from bearing the God-kind fruits, the devil does everything he can to sift you.

For the devil to sift you basically means to separate you from God. He wants to distract your faith and move you away from the Lord.

And for your information, those the devil wants to sift are not unbelievers. Those he wants to sift are those planted in Christ.

Peter who was a disciple of Jesus was the target of the devil to be sifted. Jesus didn’t say that about those who don’t believe in Him. So technically those the adversary sorts to sift are not the unbelievers.

The devil uses every single strategy at his disposal to test your faith. And you must know that he is relentless. He doesn’t assume that you are mature or a babe in Christ. He even tested our Lord Jesus and will also have you as his target.

Whether he will fail or not, he sees no harm in trying to sift you. It’s his way of resisting you from fulfilling your purpose.

This is why you must always be strengthened in the Lord. You must not assume the adversary is not interested in your faith. Refuse to be on a napping spree. You have to stay alert.

“Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.” 1 Peter 5:8 (The Message Bible).
Don’t stay out of Church. Don’t procrastinate and stop making excuses.
The adversary is coming at you with all he’s got just to sift you, BEWARE!

Set your focus on the Lord and never waver in faith.

(Matthew 13:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 6:11; James 4:7; Ephesians 4:27)
We pray that we shall remain deeply rooted and established in the Lord to the end and fulfilment of God’s purpose.
Matthew 24 – 26
– I remain deeply rooted in the Lord to the end.
– I don’t stay away from the  gathering of the saints.
– My focus is set on the Lord daily.
– I refuse to procrastinate.
Oh, thank you Lord Jesus!

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Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

Ooo thank you Jesus

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

I stay alert!

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

I don’t stay away from the gathering of the saints

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

Thank you Jesus Christ

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

I can not be sift by the adversary in the name of Jesus

Abigail Frimpongmah
Abigail Frimpongmah
3 days ago

I don’t stay away from church

Gbali Gershon
Gbali Gershon
3 days ago

Im always watchful. I remain alert

3 days ago

Heiyaa.. am the man in the gap
I am one with Christ in bringing his plans to fulfilment
I don’t loose focus of my responsibility
If the adversary finds no harm in resisting me then I won’t be a victim of his devices .. I walk in wisdom
Thank you sir

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
3 days ago

Thank you Lord Jesus

Nkpedzi prosper
Nkpedzi prosper
2 days ago

remain deeply rooted in the Lord to the end.

I don’t stay away from the gathering of the saints.

My focus is set on the Lord daily.

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

I’m always strengthened in the Lord

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

I refuse to be on a napping spree!

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

I stay alert

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

I refuse to stay out of Church

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

I don’t waver in faith

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
2 days ago

My focus is on the Lord

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
2 days ago

Thank you Lord Jesus

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
2 days ago

I refuse to be a napping spree I’m alert…. In the name of Jesus

Semefa Millicent
Semefa Millicent
2 days ago

I Revere the gathering of the Saints
I don’t make excuses in the name of Jesus

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
1 day ago

I set my focus on the Lord

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
1 day ago

I remain resolute in Faith

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
1 day ago

I am the expression and execution of God’s purpose

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 day ago

I don’t stay away from the gathering of the saints.
In the name of Jesus!

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
1 day ago

I remain deeply rooted in the Lord till the end.

In the name of Jesus

1 day ago

I stay alert and focus. I ensure I am present anywhere the saints are gathering.
21 hours ago

I bear the God-kind of fruit because I am planted in God
21 hours ago

I am strengthened in the Lord
21 hours ago

I refuse to be on a napping spree.
I stay alert in the name of Jesus
21 hours ago

My focus is the Lord
21 hours ago

My focus is the Lord
I don’t waver in faith.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
20 hours ago

I don’t make excuses.
I decide not to procrastinate.

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
20 hours ago

I am strengthen in the Lord.

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
14 hours ago

I refuse to procrastinate.

I don’t stay away from the gathering of the saints.
My focus is set on the Lord daily 🙏

In the name of Jesus

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
14 hours ago

I remain deeply rooted in the Lord to the end
In the name of Jesus!

Dziedzorm Esther
Dziedzorm Esther
14 hours ago

Glory to God!!!!!

7 hours ago

I am designed for the expression and execution of the Lord’s purpose
I don’t assume the adversary is not interested in me.
I stay alert always by setting my focus on the Lord and never wavering in faith

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
4 hours ago

I wake up from my nap and stay alert to swerve the enemies creepy moves 

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
4 hours ago

I stay among the brethren at any opportunity I get and not make excuses for church 

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