Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Strength



The Love-Life Agency

Thursday, 19th September, 2024


“And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.”

1 Samuel 30:6 (English Standard Version)

Dear Machaira avid reader, I appreciate your consistency in following and fellowshipping with this Christ-centered online devotional.

The messages shared here (on Machaira with Apostle Bennie) are to help you know the application of the word of God in your daily life. You don’t just get to know what to do, but you are also taught how to do what to do.

It is important for every believer to know and understand the word of God. Your understanding of the word of God helps you live victoriously.

The topic I was teaching in yesterday’s episode, STRENGTHEN YOURSELF IN THE LORD, has practical details that help you know how to live above distress and challenges.

You have to take this teaching to heart and commit everything shared to action. You wouldn’t see its potency until you begin to act out the word.

To strengthen yourself in the Lord is not burdensome nor is it legalistic.

To strengthen yourself in the Lord is to take advantage of the resources of the Lord to mount up high above the challenge confronting you.

It is turning to the Lord and not turning to oneself. In David’s situation, he was already in distress but decided to strengthen himself in the LORD.

Sometimes you may feel your situation is worse and you have already sunk deep in discouragement or depression and defeat where nothing could be done.

The scripture says, “For “WHOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD [in prayer] WILL BE SAVED.” Romans 10:13 (Amplified Bible).

It is not only those who are yet to be defeated or yet to fall deeply into depression that the Lord saves. It is whosoever or everyone who calls upon the Lord.

It doesn’t matter your situation, when you call upon the Lord, you shall be saved.

David was already in distress, yet he made a decision to strengthen Himself in the Lord.

Now let me put it right:


That’s what the scriptures say. David wasn’t just distressed. Which means he was utterly shattered.

“David was in even worse trouble”
(Message Translation).

In fact, David and his men burst out in loud wails—wept and wept until they were exhausted with weeping.

“David was greatly distressed…” (AMPC).

“David was in desperation” (CEV)

‘David wasn’t in shallow situation, he “was in deep trouble” (Common English Bible).

“David too was in anguish” (VOICE)

“David was seriously worried, for in their bitter grief for their children, his men began talking of killing him. But David took strength from the Lord.” (TLB)

Just in case you find yourself in a worse situation you can still trust the Lord. You can draw strength from the Lord. Don’t assume there is no faith in you or you are faithless because you wept or felt distressed.

Not all men have faith, but all those in Christ have faith. There is the faith of God in you. By that faith no matter how small you think it is, you can take hold of God’s hand. All that God is looking for is for you to stretch forth your hand for His help.

As Peter noticed he was drowning or sinking, he shouted master save me.

Beloved there is help for you. Strengthen yourself in the Lord.

The word STRENGTHEN as used in 1 Samuel 30:6, is from the Hebrew word “CHÂZAQ” (Pronounced as khaw-zak’)

The primitive root of this Hebrew word means, “to fasten upon; to bind or restrain”. It also means to “cleave, catch or lay hold or take hold and also to seize”.

Which means to strengthen yourself in the Lord is to bind or fasten yourself to the Lord. Don’t allow the flood of your challenge to drown you. Fasten yourself to the Lord who is the solid Rock.

No matter the storm, take hold of the Lord.

The word “châzaq”, to be strengthened in Hebrew also means, “to cure, to repair, to amend or mend”. This implies that, sometimes the challenge may break you, but when you turn to the Lord, you can repair all the broken pieces.

To châzaq also means to have a calker.

To be strengthened by the Lord is like a ship which has skilled shipwrights or calkers, who repair or stop the seams of a deck.

In the ancient Gebal or Byblos (a city in Phoenicia, located in what is now modern-day Lebanon) they had shipwrights or master shipbuilders, who when employed on a ship, serve as calkers. They are furnished mariners who skilfully service all the various furniture in a vessel. (Ezekiel 27:9). They repair and help damaged ships to sail successfully.

These ancients of Gebal are also called “stoppers of chinks” or “strengtheners”.

Which means the strength of the Lord, serves as a shipwright. It stops all chinks or repairs every form of damage.

To strengthen yourself in the Lord also means to be strong in the Lord, taking advantage of all the mighty power of God. It is to amass the military might of God to your favor.

That was what David did.

He was in distress because of the attack by the Amalekites, and he reminded himself that He has God.

There is this courage and valiant posture you take on when you know what it means to have help from the Lord.

David paused and would have thought to himself:

 “Why am I in tears? Is the God who helped me defeat Goliath, not my God any more? Why am I dismayed?”

David thought of what the torrent flow of God’s power can do.

He was encouraged. It was these moments that inspired David to sing Psalm 18:1-50.

When you fasten yourself to the Lord you become courageous and fortified.

That is what châzaq also means. To be strengthened in the Lord is to wax mightily, to be programmed to conquer, and to have a restraining force for victory.

No matter the pressure you remain firm or obstinate in the Lord. You become too hard to break and maintain an undisturbed composure.

Beloved, strengthen or fortify yourself in the Lord.


(Psalm 18;  Ephesians 6:10; Psalm 28:8; Psalm 18:2; 1 Samuel 23:16)

1. that every damage or leakage caused by the pressures of life within your emotions and mind will be mended by the strengthening ability of the Lord.

2. calling upon the Lord for His mighty help even as you feel distressed.
Malachi 4
Matthew 1 – 2
– I am strengthened by God in my inner man at all times.
– I have the strength to surmount every challenge.
– No challenge or situation can dominate my life.
– Through the supply of the strength of God, I sail through every challenge victoriously.
– I don’t loose strength.
– Greater is He that is in me, than any challenge that is in the world.
– Through prayer, I engage the energies of God within me.
– I have strength!
Oh thank you Lord Jesus for enabling me with strength in my inner man.

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Beha Eric
Beha Eric
2 hours ago

Thank you Lord.

He that is in me is greater than any challenge in this world

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
2 hours ago

The Lord is my strength therefore I cannot be broken.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
1 hour ago

Hahahaha…. oh Glory to God

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
1 hour ago

Oh I have help..
I have strength..
The Lord is my strength

Hahaha ….oudh


Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
12 minutes ago

Glory be to God
Thank you father

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