The Love-Life Agency

“Don’t just listen to the Word of Truth and not respond to it, for that is the essence of self-deception. So always let His Word become like poetry written and fulfilled by your life!”
James 1:22 (TPT)
To work the word is basically to live by faith. Faith is confidently acting out the word of God.
The word of God does not fail. To manifest the unfailing and incorruptible word in your life, you must respond to it in faith and act it out.
Until you stop responding to your fear and start acting the Word, you will not see the results of the Word. No amount of complaining can make you a champion.
As we saw yesterday, though Peter and his colleagues had toiled all night, he chose to act out the Word of the Lord.
Every word spoken to you by God is to bring you into greater accomplishments.
As long as you will continue in the word, you will see the mighty hand of God.
You don’t have great testimonies because you begged God. You have great testimonies because you acted out the word.
The word of God is God’s material for His creative working. He does nothing outside His word. This means you can only have God’s kind of results if you operate according to His word.
The word is as a seed (Luke 8:11) and within every seed there are fruits. However, you cannot access the fruit, until you sow the seed.
You are not seeing the productivity of the word in you because it has not been sown in you. No matter how effective a seed is, it must be sown and cultivated before it will reproduce.
The word of God is a seed of God that is sown in your heart (likened to a field).
Whatever you want to see in your life, you must take hold of what God has said about that in His word.
There is a word of the Lord for your health, finances, work, ministry, academics, purpose, eternal salvation, seasons of persecution, the present world, relationships, marriage and family.
As you study and search through the scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit and sound teachers, you will receive the present word for your situation.
Don’t allow your challenges to control your life. Don’t allow your challenges to move you away from the Word. No matter the overwhelming challenges, continue to set your desire and delight on what God is saying to you.
“Even though my troubles overwhelm me with anguish, I still delight and cherish every message you speak to me.” Psalm 119:143 (TPT).
The more you set your delight on the Word, the more you are saturated by its power. The power within the word in your heart will cause you to manifest what it says.
This is why you must let the Word of God dwell in you richly.
– I act out the word of God irrespective of challenges.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I don’t beg, I act God’s word
The word of God is dwelling in me richly for greater manifestations.
Thank you Jesus
I don’t beg
I act the word of God
The word of the lord dwell in me richly.
I nurture the word of the lord in my heart
I work the word.
I don’t complain.
I provide the necessary conditions for the word to take root in my heart.
I continue in the word
I refuse to allow challenges to control my life
I allow the word of God to dwell in me richly
As I diligently act on the word i receive great testimonies… In the name of Jesus
Thank you Lord for your word concerning every aspect of my life, thank you sweet holy Spirit
I act out the word of God irrespective of challenges.
I’m so blessed.
Thank you Apostle for such an insightful episode.
Oooo thank you lord Jesus
I am a doer of the word
I act on the word!
The word works for me as I act on it
Thank you lord
I pay rapt attention to the word of God till it saturates my heart for the God kind of results
I look away from my challenges and focus on the word
I act the word in faith. I am not afraid to obey the word, I act in faith
Thank you Jesus
The word of God dwells in me richly