The Love-Life Agency

Monday 19th August, 2024
“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”
Genesis 1:2 (NLT).
The first time the Holy Spirit was introduced in the scriptures was not in Acts (in the upper room).
The first time the Holy Spirit was introduced was in Genesis.
However, both incidents reveal how the Lord brings out the best out of nothing.
We see in Genesis 1:2, that before God’s six days of creation work, the Holy Spirit has to first incubate and saturate the waters for God to bring out light and continue the other creations.
The commands or instructions of the Lord work in an atmosphere soaked by His Spirit.
It doesn’t matter how bad the condition is; or the level of weakness within you, the moment the Holy Spirit saturates you, God’s best will gush forth.
Jesus had ascended; the early Church had the command to go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations. They had the commandment of the Lord to walk in love. Nevertheless, the Lord Jesus knew there was no way His glorious Church would be born without the Holy Spirit.
There is no way they can have the ability and boldness to preach the gospel and walk in love without the Holy Spirit. The reality was that, when Jesus ascended, His disciples had zeal but lacked ability. Jesus in their midst was their ability and boldness. Hence, the need for the Holy Spirit.
“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4 (KJV)
This seems similar to the impact of the Holy Spirit in creation.
Just as the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters in Genesis; we see the Holy Spirit fill and saturate the house where the disciples were.
This means the disciples were immersed in the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit.
God didn’t start His creation work without the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. The Church didn’t reach out to their world until they were filled or immersed in the Holy Spirit.
If you are born again in Christ, you have the Holy Spirit in you. However, you must live a continuous saturated life of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t start your day without being soaked by the Spirit.
You may have big dreams and great plans for the day, month or year; however, without being immersed in the Spirit, you can do nothing.
Get intimate with the Holy Spirit and enjoy His overwhelming presence.
– That nothing we do will be of the flesh but by the influence of the Holy Spirit.
I live a continuous satured life of the Spirit
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit
Colossians 3:1-4 TLB
Since you became alive again, so to speak, when Christ arose from the dead, now set your sights on the rich treasures and joys of heaven where he sits beside God in the place of honor and power. 2 Let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend your time worrying about things down here. 3 You should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God. 4 And when Christ who is our real life comes back again, you will shine with him and share in all his glories.
Thank you Jesus
When the Holy Spirit saturates to, he brings out His best in you
I saturate my life my life with the Holy Spirit
With the Holy Spirit, God brings our His best in me
With the Holy Spirit, God brings out His best in me
I am not ordinary because of the Holy spirit present in me
Oh Glory to God. I esteem and honour my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I live a continuous saturated life, being conscious and full of the Holy Spirit everyday. Thank you dear Holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
“Jesus in their midst was their ability and boldness. Hence, the need for the Holy Spirit”
The Holy Spirit indwells me to fully express the Lord. He is my helper, ability and divine advantage. He is Jesus inside me. I don’t go a day without His refreshing Presence .
Glory to God.
Thank you Apostle Sir.
It doesn’t matter how bad the condition is; or the level of weakness within you, the moment the Holy Spirit saturates you, God’s best will gush forth.
Thank you sweet Holy Spirit
I start my day, being soaked in the Holy Spirit
Hey I refuse to be ordinary
Luke.4.18 “The Spirit
of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
I engage the presence of the Holy spirit daily in all things
Oh thank Lord Jesus
I live daily, a life that is fully saturated by the Holy Spirit.
The command of the Lord thrives in my sphere, for my sphere is soaked by the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Thank you Jesus
Just as God is one with the spirit and they are the source of all that is good and perfect I stay connected to my source to be resourced for fulfillment
I start my day with you Holy Ghost
I subject myself wholly under the influence of the holy spirit
I start my day being soaked with the Holy Spirit
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
The overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit is what makes the difference.
This is essential for us to make an impact in our world.
All my endeavours are immersed and soaked in the Holy Spirit daily in the name of Jesus
Thank You Dear Lord For The Holy Spirit
You may have big dreams and great plans for the day, month or year; however, without being immersed in the Spirit, you can do nothing.
I’m under the influence of the Holy Spirit
Thank you Jesus
I live a continuous saturated life of the spirit
In the name of Jesus
It doesn’t matter how bad the
condition is; or the level of weakness within you, the moment the Holy Spirit saturates you, God’s best will gush forth.
Thank you Jesus
My steps, ideas, plans, thoughts, movements are immersed in the Holy Spirit
I live a continuous saturated life of the spirit
I am under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Oh glory to God
Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of the Holy Spirit
I speak over my life today, that my plans and desires will be immersed and soaked in the Spirit.