Love, Love of the Father, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Friday, 26th July, 2024



“Praise the Lord! He is good. God’s love never fails. Praise the God of all gods. God’s love never fails. Praise the Lord of lords. God’s love never fails.” 

Psalm 136:1-3 (CEV)

You cannot live insecure when you understand God’s love for you.

Everything God has done for you is first according to his love. His love is unconditional, it is not dependent on what you do. Your faith only helps you position yourself to enjoy the unlimited flow of His love.

This is it, no matter how you are loved, you must receive that love to experience its full manifestation.

No matter how God loves you unconditionally, His love wouldn’t have great transformational impact on you when you don’t receive it.

God’s lovingkindness enforces the wielding of His power. Just as I mentioned yesterday, Jehoshaphat went to war with the army of Judah, led by the musicians. And all they kept declaring through singing was that “His love endures forever!”.

No storm, no limitation, and no evil can withstand the love of God. And that is the light Psalm 136 brings to us.

The chapter outlines some examples of things we enjoy because of His love. The Psalmist used God’s dealings with Israel as the case study.

“Praise the Lord! He is good.
God’s love never fails.
Praise the God of all gods.
God’s love never fails.
Praise the Lord of lords.
God’s love never fails.”

 Verses 1-3 provides description of who God is, His authority and the Supremacy of his love above all other gods and lords.

These verses are to establish the incomparable status of God and the lifeless gods. As His love never fails and endures forever, the gods have no capacity to love at all.

Which means it makes zero sense to be of God and still have confidence in other gods.

From the subsequent verses ( 4 — 26) we see the mighty workings of His love.

“Only God works great miracles. God’s love never fails.” (verse 4)

Did you notice the first two words in this verse? ONLY GOD…

You cannot find mighty or great miracles else where. It is ONLY God who does great miracles. And it is according to His steadfast love which cannot fail.

Now the Psalmist zooms in on the detailed examples of God’s creative or mighty workings. Psalm 136 reveals that God’s creative work was not only by His wisdom. It was by the partnership of His wisdom and unfailing love.

The goal is for you to see that, God’s steadfast and unfailing love cannot be separated. All of  God’s essential qualities find expression through His love.

“With wisdom He made the sky.
 God’s love never fails. The Lord stretched the earth
over the ocean. God’s love never fails. He made the bright lights in the sky. God’s love never fails. He lets the sun rule each day. God’s love never fails. He lets the moon and the stars rule each night. God’s love never fails.”
 (Verses 5 – 9)

No other god has the capacity to function in the wisdom which God exudes in His creation. God’s steadfast and unfailing love is in the center of His creative power.

The steadfast love of God doesn’t only partner with God’s wisdom to demonstrate His creative power. The steadfast love of God also partners with God’s power to preserve, protect or defend His people (those who receive His love). 

See the verses 10 – 24:

“God struck down the first-born
in every Egyptian family. God’s love never fails. He rescued Israel from Egypt. God’s love never fails. God used his great strength and his powerful arm.
God’s love never fails. He split the Red Sea[b] apart. God’s love never fails. The Lord brought Israel safely through the sea.
God’s love never fails. He destroyed the Egyptian king
and his army there. God’s love never fails. The Lord led his people through the desert. God’s love never fails. Our God defeated mighty kings. God’s love never fails. And he killed famous kings. God’s love never fails. One of them was Sihon,
king of the Amorites. God’s love never fails. Another was King Og of Bashan. God’s love never fails. God took away their land. God’s love never fails. He gave their land to Israel, the people who serve him. God’s love never fails. God saw the trouble we were in. God’s love never fails. He rescued us from our enemies. God’s love never fails.”

There are some who assume God’s love is defenseless. That is never true. God can go any extent by His righteousness to preserve His people against wickedness.

“He gives food to all who live.
 God’s love never fails.” 
(Verse 25)

God’s unfailing and steadfast love partners with God’s wisdom to create. It partners with God’s power to preserve, protect and also to provide.

“Praise God in heaven! God’s love never fails.” (Verse 26).

When you acknowledge and focus on God’s unfailing and steadfast love of God, your heart will be full of praise. His unconditional love remains steadfast on earth, in heaven and in all eternity.

God’s steadfast and unfailing love is proclaimed twenty-six (26) times in Psalm 136.

The consistent repetition of “God’s love never fails”, works the truth deeply into our hearts and makes it our conviction, consciousness and confidence.

When you make the testimony of God’s steadfast love your meditation, it will always echo in your heart when there is a storm or any form of uproar or challenge around your life.

Beloved let this be woven in your heart that in all things at all times, GOD’S LOVE NEVER FAILS!

He satisfies you with His love each morning.


(Hosea 11:4; Deuteronomy 7:8;   Psalm 36:7; Psalm 90:14; Lamentation 3:22; 1 John 4:16; Hosea 14:4; Psalm 103:8)
We pray that our hearts shall be established in God’s unfailing love and we shall walk in the confidence that God’s love shall never fail no matter the challenge.
Jeremiah 5 – 8
— I enjoy God’s love every morning.

— I grow in the understanding of the Love of God

— I live in the confidence of the love of God .

—  I step out every day knowing that God’s lovingkindness abounds towards me

— I walk in the consciousness of the unlimited and inexhaustible flow of God’s love in my life and all ai do.

Thank you Lord Jesus!

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Selasie Emmanuel
Selasie Emmanuel
2 months ago

I make the testimony of God’s Love my daily meditation. I remain in this consciousness every day that God’s Love Never Fails.. Hallelujah


Thank you Apostle Sir. You’re a great blessing Sir.

2 months ago

His love endureth forever

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
2 months ago
Reply to  Gayles

His love endureth forever

2 months ago

Thank you Lord for your great LOVE.

2 months ago
Reply to  Francis

Thank you Jesus for your unfailing love

2 months ago

 I step out every day knowing that God’s lovingkindness abounds towards me.

2 months ago
Reply to  Francis

That’s my portion

Barkoh Augustine
Barkoh Augustine
2 months ago

I grow in the understanding of God’s love everyday…
I grow in the concept that God love endure forever…..
I refuse to doubt the love of God at work….

Oh hallelujah…..

2 months ago

Praise the Lord!!!

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
2 months ago

Thank you Lord for calling me out, your love never fails.

2 months ago
Reply to  Beha Eric


2 months ago

No matter how you are loved, you must receive that love to experience its full manifestation.

I enjoy the manifestations of God’s love

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
2 months ago
Reply to  Gayles

I enjoy the manifestations of God’s love

2 months ago

I receive the love of God

2 months ago

I see the light in Psalms 136

2 months ago

Note: No storm, no limitation, and no evil can withstand the love of God.

2 months ago

gods are void of love

Ow mercy on those that worship them


Owww… that their eyes would be opened, Lord!

2 months ago

It makes zero sense to be of God and still have confidence in other gods.

Don’t be foolish!!!
Shine your eyes

2 months ago

“Did you notice the first two words in this verse?”


2 months ago
Reply to  Gayles

Agye Nyame

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
2 months ago
Reply to  Gayles

Only God

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
2 months ago
Reply to  Gayles

Only God

2 months ago

The goal is for you to see that, God’s steadfast and unfailing love cannot be separated.

Ohhh…. I seee

2 months ago

God can go any extent by His righteousness to preserve His people against wickedness.

God’s goooooddddd

2 months ago

Beloved let this be woven in your heart that in all things at all times, GOD’S LOVE NEVER FAILS!

2 months ago

He satisfies me with His love each morning.

Thank you Jesus!

2 months ago

I step out every day knowing that God’s lovingkindness abounds towards me

Glory to God!

Beha Eric
Beha Eric
2 months ago

Thank you Lord for your loving-kindness.

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
2 months ago

Ohh thank you Lord Jesus for your steadfast and unfailing love

Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
2 months ago

In all things, at all times, God’s love never fails.

God’s steadfast and unfailing love partner with His wisdom to create. It partner with His power to preserve, protect and provide.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
I can never be disadvantaged.
I stretch in faith to enjoy the provisions of His love. His love is unconditional.

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
2 months ago

The steadfast love of the Lord is new everyday and upgrades than before
Since its still up to date it cannot fail

Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere
2 months ago

For God to move way from heaven to come and die because of me is the greatest sign of love and his resurrection to give me life depicts that his love never fails because hr didn’t remain in the grave

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
2 months ago

This is my conviction. GOD’S LOVE NEVER FAILS

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
2 months ago

What manner of love is this

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
2 months ago

I declare today in the name of Jesus, that my heart will be established in God’s unfailing love and that I will continually walk in the confidence that God’s love for me shall never fail no matter the challenge.

Edith Dzidzorli
Edith Dzidzorli
2 months ago

His Love Never Fails
His faithfulness endures forever

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

God’s lovingkindness enforces the wielding of His power.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

No storm, no limitation, and no evil can withstand the love of God. Oh hallelujah!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

All of God’s essential qualities find expression through His love. Wow!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

“Praise God in heaven! God’s love never fails.”

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I make the testimony of God’s steadfast love my meditation.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

In all things and at all times, GOD’S LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

The Lord satisfies me with His love every morning.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I enjoy God’s love every morning.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I grow in the understanding of the Love of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I live in the confidence of the love of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I step out every day knowing that God’s lovingkindness abounds towards me.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

I walk in the consciousness of the unlimited and inexhaustible flow of God’s love in my life and all I do.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

Thank you Lord for your great love.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
2 months ago

Thank you Lord for your unfailing love.

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