EPISODE 546 – GOD GIVES GRACE 8 — Multiply Grace 2
Apostle Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah
- 94 Comments on EPISODE 546 – GOD GIVES GRACE 8 — Multiply Grace 2
The Love-Life Agency

Multiply Grace 2
“May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.”
2 Peter 1:2 (NLT)
For every level you get to, you need to increase in grace.
There are things you cannot do without greater grace. The greater the assignment, the greater the grace you need.
As part of the things I mentioned earlier, you must also grow in the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus.
The more you grow in the knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus, the more superabundance of grace gravitates towards you.
To grow in knowledge in this context is not just to come into awareness of God.
It is not to have your assumption of God or your interpretation of God based on your personal experiences.
The word translated knowledge in 2 Peter 1:2 is EPIGNOSIS (pronounced e-pē’-gnō-sēs). It is a Greek word which basically means precise and correct knowledge.
Apostle Peter used it approximately four times in his epistles. Generally, you will find it used in the New Testament twenty times; Paul the Apostle also used it fifteen times and you will find it used once in Hebrews.
This means not every word translated as “knowledge” in the New Testament has the same meaning as Epignosis.
Here are a few other Greek words:
Eido (to know), to know by a perception of sight.
Ginosko, (to know), to acquire information through some sense perception (hearing).
It is also to know by observation.
Gnosis (knowledge), is an intellectual possession or grasp of information of what is known. It is the comprehension of facts.
Epiginosko (to know), which means to recognize something to be what it is to be, to understand, to know fully, to ascertain or to find out with certainty. It is more than experience gained through sense perception. It is intensification of ginosko. It is to have a higher or spiritual knowledge.
Epignosis is also an intensified form of gnosis. It is an advanced and full knowledge.
Epígnosis refers to the exact, complete, thorough, accurate, experiential knowledge of God. God is Spirit, thus, to have experiential knowledge of Him, you must be or share in His essence. This makes this experiential knowledge a reality which is above facts gained through experiments. It is a reality possessed through intimate relationships.
Until you share in (or have) His life you can’t have the epignosis of God and of Jesus.
Your knowledge of God and of Jesus must be built on the divine life you have received.This is more than the knowledge which brings you to Salvation. This is the knowledge you possess in the newness of life. It is not a hope of what you will experience. It is not what you have in anticipation before you are born again. It is what you have handled as you are born again.
For example, you may believe the truth concerning Jesus that He has made salvation available for you. But that is not the same dimension as receiving and enjoying the reality that His life is in you.
It is not experimental, this knowledge is hewn out of your participation in Him.It is this knowledge that Apostle Peter is referring to in 2 Peter 1:2.
This knowledge is not just an exposure of resources or intellectual acquaintance but spiritual possession and participation of the divine resources.
Epignosis brings you to a place where you are not only aware of who God is and what He has done; but rather makes you share in His life and nature.
Every revelation light you receive, you must demonstrate.By this, you become one with the truth of God in Christ.
So, when you come to the knowledge (epignosis) of God’s love, you have come into oneness with that truth. You will not just be walking about with the mental assertion that God is Love. This knowledge (epignosis) makes you demonstrate or walk in the love of God.
Grace is not multiplied when you are only aware or when you have gone to Bible studies and have heard a certain truth.
Grace is multiplied when you take time to meditate on the reality of the revelation of Jesus, and it drenches or soaks you.Every revelation of Jesus is pregnant with grace.
Jesus is full of grace and reality. (John 1:14).
No wonder Paul the apostle said to the elders in Ephesians:
“And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands and the message of His grace, which is all that you need to become strong. All of God’s blessings are imparted through the message of His grace, which He provides as the spiritual inheritance given to all of his holy ones.” Acts 20:32 (TPT).
The revelation of Jesus which is the message of grace is inherently full of God’s grace, ability and influence of the Holy Spirit.
When the message soaks you, through meditation, it becomes your “epignosis” and it will produce the ability (of grace) to live that reality.Grow in the accurate knowledge of God which in Christ, through continuous meditation on the word of His grace.
Don’t just walk in the awareness or intellectual perception of the Word; be drenched or participate or become one with the reality of Jesus.
— I grow in the knowledge of GOD in Christ.
— I have the possession of the revelation of Jesus.
— Attract an abundance of grace through the knowledge of Christ
— I daily enjoy the increase or multiplication of grace in all I do.
I take time to meditate on the Word of God and as I do I grow and walk in experiential knowledge of Him. I refuse to live by assumptions or heresies
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you sweeeeeeetttttt Jessssussssss!!!
I daily enjoy the increase or multiplication of grace in all I do.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
Thank you Jesus ssssss
I am immersed in the message of His Grace
Fully immersed
Through continuous meditation on the word of His grace, I grow in the accurate knowledge of God which is in Christ.
Emphasis: Continuous meditation
I am drenched in the revelation of Jesus
I am drenched in the revelation of Jesus
Waow I grow in the knowledge of God
The awareness that makes you share in his life and nature
I am aware
The adversary cannot overtake me
Thank you Jesus
I demonstrate every revelation light I have received
Oooo Boi! What an episode.
Thank you Apostle Bennie for Always being a blessing to us.
What an episode
Thank you Apostle Bennie for Always being a blessing to us.
I give myself to the meditation of the word
I grow in the accurate knowledge of God .
I grow in the accurate knowledge of God
In the name of Jesus
I am drenched with the reality of Christ
I daily enjoy the multiplication of Grace in all I do
In the name of Jesus
Heyaaa I increase in the knowledge of God
Daily I am soaked and saturated in his oven and I enjoy him as I increase in grace
Thank You Lord Jesus for your word.
Thank you Jesus sssssss!!!!
Awwww…. YEHOWA
I am diligent with the meditation of the word of God.
I demonstrate every revelation light of God I have received
I demonstrate every revelation light of God I have received
Thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank You Jesus
Thank you Jesus for Apostle Bennie
For every level you get to, you need to increase in grace.
Increase automated at every level
I increase in Grace
Your knowledge of God and of Jesus must be built on the divine life you have received.
Thank You Jesus for understanding
In the name of Jesus
Every revelation light you receive, you must demonstrate.
I demonstrate
Grace is multiplied when you take time to meditate on the reality of the revelation of Jesus, and it drenches or soaks you.
Owww… such rich verities on this platform.
You won’t meditate???
Haaa… Me, I meditate oooo
I won’t meditate s3n???
I meditate oooo
Thank you Jesus for the inheritance
Thank You Jesus
I don’t just walk in the awareness or intellectual perception of the Word; I am drenched and have become one with the reality of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus
Thank You Lord
I am drenched and have become one with the reality of Jesus.
Grace overflows on this platform!!!
Oh boi !!! That I may read my Machaira with Apostle Bennie at all times.
Nyame mu y3 d3w aiii
2 Peter 3:18 TPT
But continue to grow and increase in God’s grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May he receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen!
I Grow and increase in Grace
Platform no do na ay3 ogya ogya d3m no?
Oww…. Yehowa woy3 adze
I have in possession the revelation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Thank you Jesus
And so now, I entrust you into God’s hands and the message of His grace, which is all that you need to become strong. All of God’s blessings are imparted through the message of His grace, which He provides as the spiritual inheritance given to all of his holy ones.” Acts 20:32 (TPT).
I give myself to constant meditation on the word.
I multiple and increase in grace daily.
I take time to go through meditation with the word of God. The word of God Is my focus
Your knowledge of God must be built on the life of God you have received.
It is not just an awareness of God and what He has done. It is a full, accurate and precise knowledge of God which makes you one with the truth of God in Christ.
This is the knowledge that gives you the ability (of grace) to be a demonstrator of the true knowledge of Christ. Hallelujah!
Thank you so much Apostle.
Epignosis doesn’t just become a head knowledge but also gives you the ability to walk in understanding of that knowledge to bring out the God like results
When. You are drowned in the word of His grace it opens way for possibilities through his empowerment (Grace)
Such accurate exegesis. I need more time to fully digest this
Mmmm, so true… Accurate
Day by day my participation in His truth and reality gains root.
Thank you Jesus
I take full possession of the knowledge of the word of God
I daily enjoy the increase or multiplication of grace in all I do
I become one with the reality of God in Christ Jesus
Thank You Apostle Bennie… I have learnt in this episode of the Machaira to continuously give myself into the meditation of the word of His grace for therein will I Grow in the accurate knowledge of God.
I declare over my life today, that my heart shall be drenched in the reality of God which is in Christ Jesus, so that i will fully have possession of the knowledge (epignosis) of His word and become a demonstrator of His divine truth.
I grow in the knowledge of God more and more.
I increase in the exact, complete, thorough, accurate, and the experiential knowledge of God.
I am drenched with the reality of Jesus!
Phil.3.8 – Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ
I have access to the accurate and perfect knowledge of God and of Jesus
I grow in the knowledge of GOD in Christ.
I daily enjoy the increase or multiplication of grace in all I do.
[…] And there is nothing God tells you to do without His supply.Which means it will take God’s grace for you to become faithful. […]