The Love-Life Agency

Thursday 4th July, 2024
“But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and obtain life.”
Hebrews 10:39 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
The man of God Reinhard Bonnke made this profound statement, “A man of faith has no reverse gear.”
The scriptures are clear,
“THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH” (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38).
Who is the just?
It is the new man in Christ.
Are you born again in Christ?
Then you are JUSTIFIED!
Beloved, you did not just get saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
Whatever God wants you to do can be done by faith. Faith is absolute confidence and total trust in God.
Faith takes hold of what God has said in His word and runs with it.
Faith does not look back and has no reverse gear.
When Moses and the Israelites got to the Red Sea, they were troubled and began complaining. Especially when they saw the Egyptian army charging towards them.
They sincerely didn’t know what to do. They were scared of what would befall them by the Egyptians.
Yet God has a direction for them. Amid the chaos and impossible situation, look at God’s response:
“And the LORD said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” Exodus 14:15 (NKJV).
Oh dear Lord Jesus!
He then instructed Moses as to what to do.
”But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” Exodus 14:16 (NKJV).
This is an explicit example of “Faith without works is dead”.
God told Moses to move forward yet He instructed him on what to do as they move forward.
Don’t just sit in your room and say ‘God will do it’.
Great things don’t happen that way.
You have to take Holy Spirit inspired steps. You need to act towards your miracle.
Faith is forward!
Faith doesn’t look back.
Faith doesn’t reverse.
Faith is taking inspired steps of God, for glorious manifestation.
Look at David, when he confronted Goliath.
”When Goliath started forward, David ran toward him.” 1 Samuel 17:48 (Contemporary English Version).
David didn’t run backwards, He charged towards Goliath.
He didn’t try to step back to watch what Goliath was going to do. He took a step in the boldness and confidence in the Lord.
Step forward to do whatever the Lord inspires you to do.
Refuse to be careful. Refuse to be afraid. Refuse to be intimidated.
Refuse to quit.
When you quit, you cannot see what the Lord has said He will do through you.
The three Hebrew boys did not change their minds. They stood on the grounds of their convictions.
And thought, even if God doesn’t come to save them, they will not bow! (Daniel 3:18). The woman with the issue of blood, did not stand afar to assume her healing would happen. She kept saying to herself if only I will touch His garment, I will be healed.
As she was saying to herself she moved through the crowd, touched Jesus’ garment and received her healing.
Don’t sit back to assume things will fall in place. Move in faith.

(Mark 5:27-34; Daniel 3:17-18; 1 Samuel 17:40-58)
Declaring the victory of the Lord in every assignment He has entrusted to our care. And the courage in His Word to do great things unto the glory of the Lord.
Ecclesiastes 1 – 4
– I am justified by faith.
– I live also by faith.
– I refuse to quit.
– I refuse to be careful.
– I refuse to be afraid.
– I act on the word.
– I go all out on the word.
– I am daring in faith.
Oh Hallelujah, Gloreeeey!!!
Faith has no reverse gear
Thank You Apostle Bennie
I take Holy Ghost inspired steps
I cannot be intimidated
We charge forward
It’s so amazing how every story in the old testament portion of the Bible speaks on Faith
Faith without works is dead .
I live by faith.
Faith without works is dead .
I live by faith.
I move by faith.
Ooh thank you Jesus I refuse to be quiet
I refuse to be afraid
I careful for nothing
I act on the word
Ooh glory to God
I refuse to quit
I can not be intimidated
I am daring in faith
Glory to God!
Faith has no reverse gear. Thank you Apostle Bennie.
Glory to God. I take inspired steps for glorious manifestation.One thing I learnt was, God wouldn’t have told Moses to stretch forth his rod and divide the sea if he hadn’t FIRST taken the bold step to move forward! I trust the process of faith! My faith always lead to results. Thank you Lord Jesus
FAITH has no reverse gear
I don’t sit back to assume things will fall in place. I move by faith…
I refuse to quit
Ha!! I am born again
I am justified by faith
Thank you Lord Jesus ????
Thank you Apostle sir
I don’t sit aloof expecting great things to happen. I take charge and and stand by inspired convictions of the Holy spirit.
Faith without works is dead.
I am justified by faith.
The righteous shall live by faith therefore i live accroding to faith. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith does not look back. Faith is the action taken. Glory to Jesus.
God bless you more Apostel Sir.
Faith without an instructed or inspired action is dead. The action to take after faith should be inspired not just any action per say or you don’t act for acting sake but rather you take steps based on instructions or inspirations by the Holy spirit
Faith takes hold of what God has said in His word and runs with it.
I am a woman of Faith
Weeping and getting worried in situations makes you focus on your way which leads to distraction but rather looking unto God for his help and taking his instructed steps brings you out of many distractions
I step forward to do whatever the Lord inspires me to do
I move in Faith
What ever you have faith for must happen no matter the how long it will take if it doesn’t happen that means it wasnt inspired by faith because faith is absolute
As it is said it must be so. That is why the steps to make it happen is necessary and must be inspired by God in order for what is said to become a reality
This really got my attention, ” Faith is forward”. Personally, anytime I act in faith by the inspiration of the Spirit, I get the fruit concerning a specific matter.
Other times too, refusing to act in faith even distract the flow of the Spirit.
Thank you Apostle for igniting this virtue in us
“Faith doesn’t look back” Thank you sir
I press on to do what the lord has set in my heart to don
Another refreshing episode of Machaira with Apostle Bennie
I act towards my miracles.
Boiiiiii!! I LOVE THIS EPISODE. So much power in faith. David pressed on when Goliath arose,the hebrew boys were ready to die. Faith causes us to presss forward. I exhibit great great faith. I am daring on faith!!!
I refuse to be intimidated, I am a man of faith.
I take hold of God’s Word and run with it.
In the name of Jesus
I have absolute trust and confidence in God’s word.
I move by conviction not convenience.
I refuse to be moved, I walk in total assurance of God’s Word
I am daring in faith.Glory to God
Thank You Jesus. I move in Faith!!!
Thank you Lord Jesus for today’s machaira with Apostle Bennie has really helped me to minister without stress….
Today I was preparing to going and have my T-360 meeting, I didn’t know what share with them so I was thinking I didn’t remember to check my WhatsApp messages so I ended by speaking in tongues, started the meeting by tongues speaking still and quickly holy spirit prompt me to check my WhatsApp messages and saw machaira with Apostle Bennie named MOVE IN FAITH… I quickly click on it and started sharing with them, not knowing one guy wasn’t feeling well but the guy started shouting, gloreeey, gloreeey while reading it and after the meeting he was fine…..
Thank you Apostle Bennie….
Faith has no reverse gear
Our walking and living is by faith, to walk by sight is sometimes the distraction that takes us off course.
Faith really is trusting, believing, having full confidence and conviction in what the Lord has said and doing accordingly.
Thank you Apostle Bennie
I move mountains by faith.
I don’t sit back to assume things to fall in place; I move in faith.
Without taking faith steps, what God has said to do through will not come to pass. I don’t shy away from the instructions of the Lord. As I take heed to instructions, I produce greater results.
I don’t seat on the fence I work the faith work with diligence and urgency
I faint not.I have the strength to do
Thank you Lord Jesus
Wow this is loaded
So inspiring! I enjoyed the statement David made, that so that Israel will know that God does not depend on all men to accomplish His plans.
He needs only person to step in faith and He will do wonders with the person.
Thank you Apostle.
I move in faith and my faith has no reverse gear!
Oh Lord…
Thank you Holy Ghost!
I am victorious as long as I’m with you
Oh Glory to God
I move in faith..
I don’t stop half way. I move to the end through faith.
I take holy spirit inspired steps
I don’t draw back
I don’t quit
I take faith inspired steps
I move in faith
Glory to God
I step forward in faith to do whatever the Lord inspires me to do.
Hey i dont sit back
I dont assume things will happen
I move forward in faith, for im a man full of faith.
I take Holy Spirit inspired steps
I take actionable steps in line with what I wish to achieve