Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Salvation and Soul-Winning, The Church



The Love-Life Agency

Monday 13th, May 2024



“Master,” said David, “don’t give up hope. I’m ready to go and fight this Philistine.”

1 Samuel 17:32 (The Message)

There is a warfare ongoing between the Kingdom of light and the forces which rule in the habitation of darkness.

The goal of God is to saturate all places with the glorious light of His Kingdom. God wants to bring true liberty to all men, who are kept under the control and bondage of darkness.

This is the responsibility of the Church: to confront the governing powers or forces of darkness. The Church is the Lord’s army advancing into all dark places of the earth, to shine forth the light of God; which will liberate the oppressed.

Our Lord has sent forth many ministries or ministry teams (or Churches) to reach diverse spheres of men with the light of the Kingdom.

Through the Church and the ministries the Lord has established this will be the testimony of the nations:

“You who spend your days shrouded in darkness can now say, “We have seen a brilliant Light.” And those who live in the dark shadow land of death can now say, “The Dawning Light arises on us.” Matthew 4:16 (TPT)

The adversary with his cohorts is not making the work of the ministry a walk in the park. It is war, as they deploy their cunning devices and schemes.

Some men are under the control of the devil and have vowed to love as enemies of Christ and oppose the glorious course of the gospel.

The Church has faced several oppositions right from its birth till now. The mandate of the Church has been opposed for over 2,000 years.

Jesus said, “Expect to be hated by all because of my name…” (Matthew 10:22).

Men who are under the deceptive control of the devil, have worked through history, from generation to generation to design and set up systems and structures which will oppose God’s Kingdom plan.

The adversary is in serious business to make this world uncomfortable for God’s people.

Many have turned away from God, and others hide their faith in Christ and have become ashamed and afraid to live as ambassadors of Christ in their schools, offices and communities.

There is a war against the faithful in Christ. Many believers are afraid to be described as “politically incorrect”. Thus, they have withdrawn from boldly expressing the knowledge of Christ, and have become politically correct.

Meanwhile, Paul charged the Church, “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Romans 12:2 (The Message)

The voice of the devil through the systems and structures of this world has become loud and intimidating. Just like that of Goliath.

The people of the world keep taunting and daunting the people of the Kingdom. And they even disdain Christ Jesus our Lord.

Most believers have decided to stay quiet in their workplace and schools to watch on.

They behave like the Israelites who were frightened and fell back at the appearance of Goliath.

Some genuine Pastors and Leaders of the Church have become objects of ridicule. They are overwhelmed by the challenges of ministry, some feel hopeless and discouraged.

Some are in the state of King Saul.

“When Saul and his troops heard the Philistine’s challenge, they were terrified and lost all hope” 1 Samuel 17:11 (The Message)

Be like David!

He showed up with “GOD-FIDENCE” (the confidence of God) and became the voice of hope to King Saul.

He said to Saul,
“Master,” said David, “don’t give up hope. I’m ready to go and fight this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:32 (The Message).

Such audacity!
Oh, dear Lord.

When everyone fell back at the presence of Goliath, David showed up with God and was an encouragement to Saul.

Amid this hostile pluralistic post-modern world, show up everywhere with Jesus, and be an encouragement to your Pastor, leaders, and other faithful brethren in Christ.

(1 Samuel 17; Jeremiah 1:8-9; 51:20-23; Philippians 2:21-22)
We pray that the Lord will grant us boldness to withstand the opposing voices and schemes of darkness in our schools, offices and communities without fear.
Job 4 – 7

– By the enabling ability of God, I have the boldness to withstand the opposing voices and schemes of darkness in my sphere.

– I take charge to saturate the glorious light of the Kingdom in my school, office and community.

– I show up everywhere with the confidence of God.

– Through me, many are turning from darkness to light.

– I am a burden bearer.
– I am a son of consolation.
– I choose to be the Lord’s supply of encouragement to my Pastor.

– I am a helper of the war.

Oh thank you Lord Jesus for enabling me.

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Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
9 months ago

Lord help me to become an encouragement to my sphere.

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
9 months ago

The Church (which is the only institution on earth that establishes God’s will, purpose and rule out His mandate) must come to this consciousness that we are at war. When I got born again at my early stages, countless times I heard the “Great commission” being read at church and in smaller church groups. I saw it as a channel by which the church will demonstrate the love of God to the world. However, I now see another dimension of this commission. It is actually a warfare to conquer the forces of darkness, break their chains and liberate many from bandages of darkness. Although the adversary may try to oppose us but we shall not succumb to his arrows and devices.

I show up with Jesus and I stand up with my pastor!!
I believe this should be the heartbeat of every new creation as well.


9 months ago

I will be like David and show up with “GOD-FIDENCE” and became the voice of hope to my world.

I will also be an encouragement to my Pastor…
Thank you Lord JESUS!!

Last edited 9 months ago by Francis
Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
9 months ago

For this is war and there is no neutral ground.I carry the good news to the world.
I am a helper of war.

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
9 months ago

By the enabling ability of God, I have the boldness to withstand the opposing voices and schemes of darkness in my sphere.

9 months ago

I am not ashamed of the gospel
I’ll be an encouragement to my Pastor
Thank you Lord Jesus

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
9 months ago

Oh boi the unperturbed yet firm and audacious posture of David shows us how we are to stand for the gospel in the face of opposition
Thank you Apostle sir

9 months ago

I am a burden bearer
I show up everywhere with the confidence of God
I am a helper of the war
I choose to be an encouragement to my leaders and Pastors

Addenilla Ennin
Addenilla Ennin
9 months ago

Oh Thank you Lord Jesus
I am an encouragement to the Lord and my Pastor

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
9 months ago

I have the boldness to withstand the opposing voices and schemes of darkness in our schools, offices and communities without fear in the name Jesus

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
9 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus
I give my mind to the things of christ
I don’t seek my own

Phil.2.21 – For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus.
Phil.2.22 – But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.

9 months ago

I take a stand with my man of God

9 months ago

We put the kingdom of darkness to its place

9 months ago

The light of God shines through me to every dark place of the earth

9 months ago

I am the Light of the world

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
9 months ago

I have GOD-FIDENCE!!!I am a son of consolation! Thank you Lord Jesus

9 months ago

Another exceptional master piece Show up with Jesus and stand up with your Pastor
It just opened my eyes to how powerful even the small boy in the kingdom of light can be against a said champion/ruler in the dark places.
It also points out how our victory in the battle encourages and strengthens more soldiers to fight. Just as the scriptures pointed in 1 Samuel 17 that after David had defeated Goliath then the army of Israel which were formerly afraid chases after the Philistine army.

Don’t ever decide to be on the fence because knowing is showing up with Jesus and standing up with their Pastor. Be that one person who is an encouragement.

Glory to God
I am really blessed

9 months ago

Another exceptional episode show up with Jesus and stand up with your Pastor.
This shows how a small boy in the Kingdom of light can be a terror and even defeat a said champion in the dark places.
It also points out how our victory in the battle encourages more soldiers to fight. Like the scriptures clearly stated in 1 Samuel 17 that after David had defeated the champion of the Philistine army, the army of Israel then chased after the Philistine army.
Don’t ever seat on the fence because no one is showing up. Your showing up will encourage and strengthen more soldiers to charge and pursue.

Glory to God
I am so much blessed

9 months ago

I show up everywhere with the confidence of God

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
9 months ago

I show up every where with God

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
9 months ago

I am a son of consolation

Jonathan Donkor
Jonathan Donkor
9 months ago


Thank you Lord Jesus.
There is indeed an ongoing War. Though we operate from a place of victory, it’s essential we know our role in this war.
Now I know that where ever I find myself, I have to show up with Jesus( Christ must be revealed in all I do). The adversary isn’t just at some places but everywhere.
There are only two sides; it’s either you are liberating or you are oppressed.


Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
9 months ago

My mandate as a Christian goes beyond living a good life to show others the love of Christ.
Systems have been put in place just to stop men from coming to the light of God’s word. It is war so I shield up. I don’t sit unconcerned. I show up with Jesus and I stand up with my Pastor. God bless you Apostle.

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
9 months ago

Amidst this hostile pluralistic post-modern world, I show up everywhere with Jesus, and I am an encouragement to my Pastor

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
9 months ago

The dark places of the world are full of cruelty. Many have diversed from the Lord and have given heed to their desires. But they cannot be lost in my days, i am a shinning light to many to come to the knowledge of the fullness of God. I am a son of consolation and i stand with my leaders to make this happen.

9 months ago

Oh this blessed me especially the Mattew 4:16 kept me in unaware meditation. And that verse in Romans 12 – the second verse, (message translation). These are solid food for real transformation and I submit to them totally and wholly in every area of my life that require serious changes. Thank you Lord for these rich capsules of Life

Nkrumah Charles
Nkrumah Charles
9 months ago

I show up for Jesus and stand with my Pastor.

I don’t seek my own interest but that of Jesus Christ.

As a co-laborer with my Pastor, as a son with my father I serve with him in the gospel.

I am a voice of hope to my fellow workers, Pastor and leaders.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
9 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
I am David. I have God- fidence.
I am a burden bear.

Ministry is my life.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
9 months ago
Reply to  Diana Aline

The gospel prospers through me.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

9 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for this episode. Indeed I have seen a brilliant light. The Dawning Light arises on my life.. Oh, the second verse in the twevelth chapter of! the book of Romans – such wealth of wisdom. This is healing!! Hallelujah!

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
9 months ago

This is an absolute kingdom treasure to behold. Showing up with Jesus and standing with your Pastor must be sounded so loud for all to digest.

Members of the body of Christ must not behave like the children of Ephraim; who despite being armed yet run away from batte. We must show up and stand just the way Timothy showed up and stood with Paul, the Apostle. We must stand like the 3 top mighty men who stood with David even in the fierceness of adversity.

In the message translation of Philippians 2:22, Paul says of Timothy, “He is the Real Thing”. In the verse 22 of the Amplified, he says , “You know Timothy’s tested worth”.

Lord, make us the Real Thing
Strengthen us to prove our worth during testing times.

I pray that we shall be worth our salt so that we can be that influence for all nations

Last edited 9 months ago by Vincent Mensah
Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
9 months ago

By the ability of God, I confront the governing powers or forces of darkness

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
9 months ago

I refuse to be quiet in my school.
I show forth the light of God in my school.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
9 months ago

I’m the voice of hope to my world.

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

I will not keep quiet about this one
Even in matters I will use the Words of God as my Scenarios

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
9 months ago

I’m an encouragement to my pastor and my leaders.

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

Thank you Jesus for your word that has filled my mouth
Make me bold not to swallow all but spit it out to the hearing of many

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

I am an encouragement by the help of the Holy Spirit

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

Glory to God for the opportunity to be His Ambassador

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

In all matters the only wisdom to dispense is Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
9 months ago

I’m the Lord’s battle axe and His weapon of war.

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
9 months ago

I show up for my pastor

I refuse to be like king Saul but rather I choose to be like David very audacious and ready to deliver.

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