Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Wisdom



The Love-Life Agency

Thursday, 29th February, 2024


“but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

 1 Corinthians 1:23-24 (NKJV)

Though the Wisdom of God preexisted time and was with God before the universe came forth, no one tangibly saw Wisdom. (See Proverbs 8:22-31)

People experienced the handiwork, the impartations and the impressions of Wisdom.

Wisdom was experienced through the Word. However, no one had the exact knowledge of the Person of Wisdom.

As I mentioned previously, the Wisdom of God is not a thing. The Wisdom of God is more than an idea. The Wisdom of God is a person, He is Christ.

Christ is the Person of Wisdom. He is the expression of God’s fullness.

“For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell.” Col. 1:19 (NKJV)

Christ brought to light the Perfect Picture of God; for He is the express image of the Father (Hebrews 1:2-3).

Christ is the complete and absolute expression of God’s fullness (John 1:18).

As the expression of God’s fullness, He is also the expression of the fullness of God’s Wisdom.

Of all the expressions of God’s Wisdom we will find in the scriptures, it was in Christ Jesus we see the ultimate manifestation of Wisdom.

The wisest man that ever lived among men was Solomon.

No man demonstrated the level of Wisdom Solomon exuded.

And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. Thus Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men—than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was in all the surrounding nations.” 1 Kings 4:29-31 (NKJV).

He was so wise that he had to try to have a taste of foolishness intentionally. (Ecclesiastes 2:3)

The Jews esteemed the Wisdom of Solomon. The kings of the earth travelled from afar to admire, enjoy and glean the Wisdom of Solomon.

Yet, Jesus’ Wisdom is greater and exceeds all.

“The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and now One greater than Solomon is here.” Matthew 12:42 (Berean Standard Bible)

The Wisdom of Christ is the grandeur of all Wisdom because He is the Person and the fullness of Wisdom.

No wonder He said, whoever acts on His words is as a wise man that builds his house on a rock. (Matthew 7:24).

Esteem the Wisdom of our Lord Jesus.

Glory to God.

(Colossians 1:1-19; Proverbs 8; Job 28; 1 Corinthians 1: 18-21 Corinthians 3:18-21; James 3:17)
We pray that our hearts shall esteem the Wisdom and Words of our Lord Jesus in all we do.
Joshua 21 – 24
– I esteem the wisdom of our Lord Jesus in all that I do.
– I cease to be ordinary.
– I walk in wisdom.
– I am so wise.
Oh Hallelujah!

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Diana Aline
Diana Aline
4 months ago

I have the full wisdom of God at work in me..
I am wise because I have the word and act on it.
Proverbs 7 :4.‭
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and to insight, “You are my relative…
Wisdom, you are my sister.

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you sweet Holy Spirit.


Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

Christ is the complete and absolute expression of God’s fullness (John 1:18)

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye

In him dwells the fullness of the Godhead

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

He was so wise that he had to try to have a taste of foolishness intentionally. (Ecclesiastes 2:3)
I am so wise !
I exercise Wisdom in all matters!
I am a person of wisdom!

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye

I am a person of wisdom

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

Jesus’ Wisdom is greater and exceeds all.
Greater than Solomon is here , My Lord Jesus fills all things !
My Christ is all in all !
My Christ is the wisdom of God!!

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye

All things are from Him and for him ….

That at the fulness of time, all things maybe gathered into him who is the head of all things

Last edited 4 months ago by Belinda Teye
Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

Thank you Jesus

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

The Wisdom of Christ is the magnificence of all Wisdom because He is the Person and the fullness of Wisdom.!!

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye

I am full of WISDOM

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

No wonder He said, whoever acts on His words is as a wise man that builds his house on a rock. (Matthew 7:24).

No wonder !!
Heii , I’m a wise master builder, therefore I build by the word and on the word !

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

The wisdom of Jesus is greater and exceeds the wisdom of Solomon – the wisest man whoever lived

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

Which means we are also wiser than Solomon

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

Heyyyy!!! I Esteem the Wisdom of my Lord Jesus.!!!!

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Linda Teye

We esteem the wisdom of God

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

Jesus is the tangibility of Wisdom.

Until the coming of Jesus, wisdom was experienced through the word.
Jesus : the expression of wisdom

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

It is in Christ Jesus we see the ultimate manifestation of Wisdom,
The fulness of God’s Wisdom

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

Very true

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

I esteem the Wisdom of my Lord Jesus

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

Before the coming of Christ Jesus People experienced the handiwork, the impartations and the impressions of Wisdom.

But now… by his coming and appearing we experience the very person of wisdom and not just the impartations and impressions of wisdom.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life—…….Christ the wisdom of God

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

Christ the wisdom of God

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

The word was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that Wisdom was with the Father and was manifested to us

Jesus Christ the ultimate manifestation of God’s Wisdom

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye


Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

………And now, One greater than Solomon is here.

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye


Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
Nkrumah Charles Sarkodie
4 months ago

The wisdom of God is not a thing.
The wisdom of God is not an idea.
The wisdom of God is a person.
In him dwells the fullness of God’s WISDOM.
He is Christ.
The wisdom of God in Christ is greater and above any other wisdom

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago

Praise God

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
4 months ago

The wisdom of God is not a thing.
The wisdom of God is a person.Christ is the wisdom of God.Wow
I esteem the wisdom of God in all that I do.

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago

I act on God’s word for there lies WISDOM

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
4 months ago

Oh! Glory to God!

For Christ has been made unto me wisdom. I live wisely.

Simon Christ
Simon Christ
4 months ago

“Nations will come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. “Lift up your eyes around you and see; They all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come from far away, And your daughters will be looked after at their side.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
4 months ago

Wow!! A man was so wise that he had to INTENTIONALLY try foolishness to see how it looks like
Meaning a man Can live a whole life without tasting foolishness except He chose to. How much more He who I’d greater than men
Its beyond imagination

I Esteem the word of God for through it I walk a foolish free life

4 months ago

I esteem the wisdom of our lord Jesus in all I do


[…] Since Christ is the Wisdom of God, anyone who has received Christ has the Wisdom of God mingled in his or her spirit. […]

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

The Wisdom of God is more than an idea. The Wisdom of God is a person, He is Christ.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

God in His fullness dwelt in Christ. Now I have Christ.
Henceforth, I carry the fullness of God in me.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I esteem the wisdom of Jesus above all wisdom.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
3 months ago

I esteem the wisdom of our Lord Jesus in all that I do.

Emmanuel Nanor
3 months ago

I esteem the wisdom of our Lord
The Wisdom of God is not a thing. The Wisdom of God is more than an idea. The Wisdom of God is a person. He is Christ.

I love you wisdom

3 months ago

Jesus is the very embodiment of Wisdom.
Look at how wise Solomon was. However his wisdom could compare to that which is found in Christ.

When you encounter Christ, you e encountered Wisdom

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