The Love-Life Agency
“Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart”.
Psalm 37:4 (NKJV)
The Lord did not give you your emotions to guide you. Your emotions are measuring instruments of your soul. It helps you ascertain the frequency of your impressions of a matter.
Don’t allow your emotions to lead you.
Your emotion or the deep seat of your desire has been exposed to the corruptibility of the flesh before you got born again.
The flesh has always had its way of governing or influencing the soul of a man. A man’s soul includes the will, the mind and the emotions. For you to express God, your mind must be renewed by the word, your will must submit to God’s will and your emotions must be immersed and trained with the deep desires of God.
This is the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
“For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (AMPC)
Every part of your being has its own intelligence. From your spirit, through to your soul, to the physical parts of your body and even to the smallest cell within you has its own intelligence.
When the word of God permeates your entire being as you continuously meditate on it, it nourishes and also cultivates the intelligence of your entire being.
This is why meditation is important. Meditation is not just a matter of thinking about something. Through meditation, you are immersed into a particular thought pattern. Meditation creates within you a deep and lasting impression.
Through meditation, you are able to repeat a certain line of thought in your heart.
“Repetition is the law of deep and lasting impressions.”
Every single person is involved in meditation one way or the other.
There is always a line of thought you are repeatedly exposing your mind, your will and emotions to.
And the more you expose your heart to these thoughts, the more they become the impressions of your emotions. And the more you exercise or give yourself to certain passions the more they rule and drive your reactions.
This is why God is interested in the focus of your emotions or your heart’s delight.
The more you meditate on the love of God and cultivate your heart to express that love, the more it dominates your passions.
The reason most people are quick to spend time watching a Hollywood movie, Bollywood movie or an African movie is how they have trained the desires of their heart.
The more you give your time and attention to something the more you create deep cravings for it in your heart.
This is why when you have to pray, there is always a fight within your entire being. Deep within your spirit, there is the prompting to pray. Your mind is aware of the benefits of prayer, yet your will is struggling between the craving of your flesh and the prompting of your spirit.
It will amaze you to know that the craving of your flesh travels through the impressions of your emotions. Your flesh uses the force of the desires hewn from your emotions to influence your actions.
Channel your emotions towards the Lord. Allow the word of God to saturate your desires.
My delight is in the Lord. I am led by the passions of the Spirit not by the passions of my flesh
In the name of Jesus
I saturate my emotions, desires and my whole being with the yearnings of God, his presence and his Word alone.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus
I submit my emotions to the desires of God in my Spirit
I give myself to the meditation of God’s word
In the name of Jesus
My cravings and passions are centered on the things above where Christ is
Wow, Apostle Bennie is a real and ardent teacher of the gospel….
Thank You Lord for granting me understanding through this teachings
Glory to God
I don’t allow my emotions to guide me.
I channel my emotions to the Lord. My emotions are expressions of God’s impressions
Every single person is involved in meditation one way or the other. There is always a line of thought you are repeatedly exposing your mind, your will and emotions to.
Wow……What do you expose your mind, will and emotions to??? What do you meditate on???
Ohhhh I chose to meditate and expose my mind, will and emotions to the things set above where Christ is seated.
My emotions are set on the Word
The more you give your time and attention to something the more you create deep cravings for it in your heart.
This statement takes me back to a few days Machaira that says, “Whatever or whoever you love takes your time and attention effortlessly .”
I give my time and attention to the ministration of the word and the Spirit
My delight and desire is in the Lord. My emotions are channeled unto the Lord. Thank You Lord
Glory to God. I Channel my emotions towards the Lord. I allow the word of God to saturate my desires. Thank you God my Father.
God bless you more Apostle Sir.
My cravings are the cravings of the lord
I channel my desires towards the Word of God
As I do this, I know that my entire is saturated by the Word of God
As this continues, transformation of the mind trough the washing of tthe Word of God, I receive transfiguration
That is there is a visible expression of the Word of God
That is where addictions break and lose its power over me
That is where sickness and cancer lose its power over me
The word of God is enough to heal me of sickness- i am a testimony
I know that as I channel my mind towards God, my desires are also channeled towards God
Lord you are my strong desire
I lift my face to the Lord, He is my hope and desire in all situations
You are my desire o Lord, I will call upon you at all times
I am consumed by the zeal and the love of the Lord
I set my hope on the glory that will be revealed when Christ comes in His glory
The matter of we setting our heart on the Word of God is a very crucial thing.
This is because, if we do not set our desires on the Lord, we will pray amidst- seek things to gratify our flesh.
But if we are in the same tune with the Spirit, our desire will be the Word of God.
Our prayer will not be of selfish gain but genuinely to support the kingdom of God
James 4:3-9 NKJV You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
Glory to God
My life is not a forceful rhythm.
It is an unforceful rhythm because it is God who works in us to will and to do
My strength comes from the Spirit
I am not led by my emotions Glory to God
I allow the word of God to saturate me.
I don’t allow my emotions to lead me
A man’s soul includes the will, the mind and the emotions. For you to express God, your mind must be renewed by the word, your will must submit to God’s will and your emotions must be immersed and trained with the deep desires of God.
This is the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
My emotions and being is consumed and trained with the deep desires of God
My emotions and desires are focused on the Lord!
My emotions are immersed into God
I refuse to be led by my emotions
My mind is renewed by the word, my will is submitted to God’s will and my emotions are immersed and trained with the deep desires of God.
The word of the Lord is nourishing and cultivating the intelligence of my entire being.
I channel my emotions towards the Lord and I allow the word of God to saturate my desires.
My emotions are expressed according to the light of the word of God and not by the passions of my flesh.
I don’t isolate my emotions from the Lord.
My whole being is soaked and saturated deeply into the Holy Spirit.
My delight is in the Lord and I am not led by my emotions. I follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit
My emotions and desires are focused on the Lord.
My whole being is soaked and saturated deeply into the Holy Spirit.
I give my mind to the kingdom
So I develop cravings for its advancement
my delight is in the Lord. I am led by the passions of the Spirit not by the passions of my flesh
I set my emotions my purpose of living for Jesus
Glory to God
I channel my desires right.
I feed my emotions with right thoughts
oh boy i allow Gods word to cultivate my emotions.. i meditate on his word day and night… kebashabalaba.. The Lord is my constant emotion..i love you