Love, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Tuesday 26th December, 2023



“But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ“ 

2 Peter 1:5-8 (NKJV).

It’s from the Greek word, “philadelphia” composed of phílos or phileo and adelphos. Philos or phileo means beloved, dear, friendly or to have affection.
While Adelphos means brother.
Thus, Philadelphia means “fraternal love”, brotherly love (kindness), love of the brethren or to have affection for a brother. Brotherly love refers to the love members of a family hold for each other and would not usually be used to describe the love between members of different families.
Jesus in His commandments to His disciples, revealed the essence of philadelphia (brotherly love).
“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” John 13:35 (KJV)
Brotherly love is our testimony of discipleship to the world.
The love we demonstrate, one to another enables us to bear much fruit (see John 15:16-17). The Church cultivated practical kindness towards one another. This radically depleted their differences in culture, status and diverse backgrounds.
They hewn a bond of love in Christ wherein believing Greeks and Jews, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarians, Scythians, slaves and freemen, men and women were now all one in their Lord Jesus. They willingly stood for one another, supplied help to each other’s shortcomings, and they loved unselfishly.
These brethren distributed all they had equally among themselves.
The extent you love a brother or a sister in the Lord is the extent you demonstrate the Love of God in you.
”If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?
And he has given us this command: Those who love God must also love their fellow believers.” 1 John 4:20-21 (NLT).
“Make no mistake about it, God will never be mocked! For what you plant will always be the very thing you harvest. The harvest you reap reveals the seed that was planted. If you plant the corrupt seeds of self–life into this natural realm, you can expect to experience a harvest of corruption.
If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap the beautiful fruits that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.” And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!
Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith!” Galatians 6:7-10 (TPT):
(NB: Read these verses also from the Message and Amplified Bible).
Being a blessing to others is how you plant seeds and harvest great fruits.
Beloved, be a blessing most especially, to the brothers and sisters who are of the eternal family of Christ (these are the born-again believers).
Decide to be a blessing to someone today with a special gift. 
Demonstrate your love for God by loving the saints.
(1 John 4:7-21; Romans 12;10; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; Acts 2:44-45; Acts 4:32)
That we will walk in the consummated understanding of this rich reality. 
Psalm 109
– I walk in the Love of Christ.
– I genuinely love the brethren.
– I go all out of the brethren in the faith.
-I affectionately serve the saints with genuine heart of love.
– I demonstrate my love for God by loving the saints.
– I don’t get tired in doing good.

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Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
9 months ago

I genuinely love the brethren

I walk in the love of Christ

Sackey Van-ess
Sackey Van-ess
9 months ago

I exhibit phileo love to everyone. I love men as God wants me not as I want

9 months ago

I Walk in the love of Christ.
I genuinely love the brethren

9 months ago

Thank you sweet Holy Spirit you are the greatest of all

9 months ago

I walk in unwavering love towards the brethren and the lost by the strength of the Spirit at work in me! Hallelujah

Addenilla Ennin
Addenilla Ennin
9 months ago

Thank you Jesus
For an opportunity to love the Saints
I practice the love of God effectively by loving my brothers and Sisters in Christ
They are also my Joy and I rejoice in their victories and in their failures I bend my knees with and for them

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
9 months ago

I affectionately serve the saints with genuine heart of love.

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

I demonstrate great love because Jesus loves me

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
9 months ago

I walk in deep love

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
9 months ago

What a beautiful thing love is

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
9 months ago

I genuinely love the brethren

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I walk in the Love of Christ daily

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I go all out for the brethren in the faith

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

 I genuinely love the brethren.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I don’t get tired in doing good in the name of Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I love the brethren with a genuine heart

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I affectionately serve the saints with a genuine heart of love.

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
8 months ago

Thank You Jesus, I walk in love continually


[…] more you meditate on the love of God and cultivate your heart to express that love, the more it dominates your […]

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