EPISODE 331 – JESUS SERVES THE BEST WINE (With Imperfect Vessels 2) 4
Apostle Bennie
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The Love-Life Agency
Wednesday 20th December, 2023
(With Imperfect Vessels 2) 4
“And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.”
John 2:6-7 (KJV)
From the previous discussion, we realised the book of John doesn’t just provide historical details of Jesus.
You are to read and study the book to behold the glory of God manifested in the flesh. The miracles outlined in the book of John represent the variegated richness of the PERSON of Jesus.
In the first chapter of John’s Gospel, he revealed Jesus as the one who has come to reveal the fullness of God.
He said, “No one has ever gazed upon the fullness of God’s splendor except the uniquely beloved Son,
who is cherished by the Father and held close to his heart. Now he has unfolded to us the full explanation of who God truly is!” John 1:18 (TPT)
Though it is said, that God spoke to Moses face to face or mouth to mouth, it was still in shadows. God was fully revealed in Christ.
The law was given through Moses, but Christ came as the embodiment of grace and truth. He came to show us God’s true person.
Jesus came to express the glory of the Father.
Now look at what happened when He turned water into wine.
“And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.” John 2:10 -11 (KJV).
The miracle of turning water into wine was to reveal His glory (which is the GLORY and REVELATION OF GOD).
Every miracle Jesus did was a sign to show us the Person of God.
There are some who are of the opinion that God doesn’t take an interest in everything that happens in our lives. But that is not the case. Jesus at the wedding ceremony reveals that God attends weddings.
In everything you do, don’t be shy to let God in. He is interested in your affairs.
The interest of God is not to just sit on His throne as the MIGHTY, ALL-POWERFUL GOD, who controls men and weighs their worship and sacrifices.
The interest of God is to love you, to be in you, live through you and be part of all you do.
You cannot explain the fullness of God through Moses.
In Moses, we see water turned into blood, but in Christ, water is turned into wine.
For water to be turned into blood points to death. However, Jesus showed us the essence of life, by turning water into wine. He came not to produce death. He came to produce life, gladness and eternal satisfaction.
The goodness of God was seen through Jesus.
The goodness of God always abound.
Mary came to Jesus saying, “There is no wine”.
Jesus made them fill the six waterpots to the brim. Each water pot takes 30 gallons. Thus, Jesus produced 150 more gallons for the wedding. They had more than enough, because of Jesus.
I mentioned in the previous post that the number six is the number of Man and also the number of imperfection (seven is also the number of perfection).
Man was made on the sixth day (he will always have something to do with the number 6). And also man who was good became imperfect. This is not to force an interpretation to churn “deeper” revelation. This is a basic symbolism to help appreciate the poetic whispers of the scriptures.
The waterpots are also vessels which can be imperfect because they are breakable.
The best wine Jesus produced didn’t come out of golden vessels with extraordinary water.
Out of this imperfect religious jar came a new fine wine.
“We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that the extraordinary overflow of power will be seen as God’s, not ours.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 (TPT)
Now, the waterpots were not for the main event. They were used by strict Jewish religious leaders for their religious cleansing as they got on to the main event (Read Mark 7:3-4).
Because of how these waterpots have been used for religious activities, they needed to be refilled with fresh water. And it was filled to the brim. Water is mainly used by John as the symbol of the Spirit-life (John 4, John 7).
For the Lord to bring a perfect wine out of your imperfection, He has to transfuse His overflowing life into you.
As a new creation in Christ, the Lord has filled you with His Spirit-Life. That is an eternal treasure in you.
There is a treasure of God in you. Stop judging yourself by the imperfections. Look inside.
Within you is God’s refreshing answer to the world.
Don’t live as an imperfect vessel. Live according to the treasure of the Spirit within you.
For out of you the Lord is brewing a perfect wine to satisfy the world.
Thanking the Lord for the treasure of the Spirit within us and making us vessels of the overflowing Spirit-Life in our world
In the name of Jesus.
Wow, gloreey
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Thank you for sharing these deep verities with us Apostle sir
This episode is called REVE!!
I’m blessed
It is beautiful when Apostle shared that Jesus came to us to show us the glory of God
Soo Soo beautiful
Thank you lord Jesus.
The best of God is seen and experienced through me.
Out of my belly..
The Lord is brewing a special wine out of me to satisfy the world.
Thank you Lord Jesus
I am a Satisfaction to nations
Glory to God. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Apostle Sir.
For out of me the Lord is brewing a perfect wine to satisfy the world.
I dominate!
Ohh boi.. Perfection from imperfection
Oh! the nations drink from me
Men are satisfied from the wine they drink from me
Thank you Sir for this wonderful insight
Thank you Apostle Bennie
I dish out the best of God in me to bless and satisfy the nations
Out of me the Lord is brewing a perfect wine to satisfy the world.
Thank you Jesus
I shake Nations and systems
Thank you Jesus for your spirit inside of me
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy
I can’t just explain how today’s machaira blessed me.
Something is just happening to my spirit now.
All I can say is that, Machaira with Apostle Bennie is one of the best daily devotionals I’ve read so far
We are one Spirit in this sir
I feel like shouting!!
The best of God is seen and experienced through me.
I feel like doing something I’ve never done before
Glory to God
I’m filled with the eternal treasure of God’s overflowing life.
Thank you ????
Oh thank Jesus!!! I I walk in obedience to the word of God.
Totally sir
For out of me the Lord is brewing a perfect wine to satisfy the world.
It doesn’t matter what may seem to be an imperfection or ordinary in my life, I remain conscious of this certainty that out of me flows the best wine.
Oh thank you sweet spirit..
Ahhhhhh boi
This is a Sure WORD!!
The divine life in earthen vessels! Oh how unsearchable both the wisdom and power of God! Hallelujah
I’m speechless
Beyond words Sir
For within me is a refreshing answer to my world. This really strikes a cord in the audio ” Understanding the book of John track 2″. Where Apostle explained how the book of John is the most profound book in the entirety of the scriptures. Also reveals the seven (7) I AMs of Jesus. One of which is Christ as our Life and the very expression of Life . ” In Him was Life, and the Life was the light of men..” Such profound words of the Master! Apostle John in his in-depth understanding of Christ as the very expression of Life reveals how man finds the true essence of Life and it’s expression in the Person of Jesus! John 1 and John 2 is a real combo! Hallelujah!
Thank you Sir..
I refer to those amazing audios on the light of light catalog
I satisfy the souls of men with the treasures in my spirit
Out of NY belly flows the fine wine for the worlds satisfaction
They shall taste of us and be satisfied
There’s a treasure in me. A new wine is brewed out of me. Thank You Lord Jesus
My!! My!! My!!
Thank you Lord Jesus
I serve the best wine to the nations Hallelujah
There a treasure of God in me
I feel like shouting
There is a treasure of God in me
Every miracle Jesus did was a sign to show us the Person of God.
Thank you Apostle Bennie for this sure Reality.
The number 6 represents imperfect in man..Does it also relate to the mark of the beast during the last days?
Number 7 is PERFECTION..Means when the ZOE is infused in man..
What an addition!!..what a whisper of Revelation.
Jesus is interested in my day to day Life.
Thank you Lord
I ask you to take the wheel of my life by submitting to your Word daily.
This episode is packed with Reve…
I’m Soo Blessed
Thank you Apostle Bennie
Jesus turn water to wine..Life ministry
Moses turned water to blood..death ministry
We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that the extraordinary overflow of power will be seen as God’s, not ours.” 2 Corinthians 4:7 (TPT)
Praise the Lord
Jesus is an expert in bringing PERFECTION out of imperfection
I see differently in others to
I see the best in others
I see the Perfection of God in them
I see what God sees about others.
I function according to the Perfect Treasure invested in me by JESUS.
I cannot be defeated!
I cannot Fail!!
Jesus SERVES the best WINE!!
Out of my impossible situation
I see JESUS making all things New.
I Totally Trust in Jesus!
You came to me in the fullness of your Grace.
You found the Best in me and formed your life in me.
My God loves me
His love will never end
He rest within my heart for JESUS loves me.
My Daddy my daddy
He watches OVER me daily
And I will live like a child held in Love Secured.
The steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases..He never fails
His Mercy never comes to an end
Great is thy Faithfulness!!
I see a GLORIOUS latter
Because the glory of the latter is ALWAYS greater than the former.
I shake the Nations
Out of my belly flows rivers of living waters and I bless the world with it
1Cor.1.28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, (NLT)
I am a blessing to my world. Glory!
I shine the light of God in dark places.
The best of God is seen and experienced through me.
Oh blessed be God
Our of me flows the best wine
[…] I will give a few examples in the next post. […]
The best wine…. oush !