The Love-Life Agency

Monday, 20th November, 2023
“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.”
Habakkuk 2:14 (NKJV)
The Lord through His Prophet Habakkuk makes an irrevocable utterance that sends chills to the spine of darkness.
FOR THE EARTH WILL BE… not the earth may be or shall be, BUT WILL BE!
That is a certainty!
There may be several worldviews or schools of thought, yet we have to look forward to this prophetic utterance;
“…the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.”
According to this prophecy, the earth will not be filled with human arguments, assumptions, doubts, myths, old fables, and unbelief; but the knowledge of the glory of God.
This is specific and a surety.
The earth will not be filled with the knowledge of science, religion, entertainment, pornography, sex, drugs, political greediness, wars, sickness, and diseases.
According to God’s eternal counsel, He wants the knowledge of His glory to cover the earth.
This is not to happen 1,000 years in the future. According to God’s plan, the filling of the earth with His knowledge as the waters cover the sea began long ago.
To fill the earth is to fill every heart.
” For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)
God has been in the business of shining forth His light on earth right from creation. (Genesis 1:3). And now just as He commanded light out of darkness, He has shone His light in our hearts through the radiant display of the knowledge of His glory in Jesus Christ.
Jesus as the Word made flesh is the light of the world. When He came into this world, the fullness of the knowledge of the glory of God was made manifest. Jesus is the express image of God and the brightness of His glory.
His life is the light of men. He lights up every man that comes into this world. (John 1:4,9)
To fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God is to cover it with the revelation of Jesus. Also in the revelation of Jesus, is the display of the purpose of God.
Daniel spoke about this same prophecy;
“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase.” Daniel 12:4 (Amplified)
The Amplified Bible brings out the right picture. Many have thought and taught that the increase of knowledge is as the increase of technology and science. Well, spiritual truth has its parallel in the physical dimension. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the originality of the truth in the spirit.
The great increase of knowledge is the great increase of the knowledge of God’s purpose. And we know that the fullness of God’s purpose is revealed in Christ.
Now the Lord is filling the whole earth (and the hearts of men) with the knowledge of His glory (the revelation of Jesus) as the waters cover the sea.
Jesus commissioned His disciples with this same prophetic mandate:
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15 (Amplified).
As we preach the gospel in all the world, we cover their hearts with the knowledge of God’s glory.
Have you seen how the waters cover the sea?
It is inseparable. You can’t fetch the waters of the sea and not have the sea. To cover the earth is to invade, permeate, saturate, and soak the entire earth (which includes the hearts of all men) with the revelation and glorious gospel of Jesus.
This is what God is doing now, and you must be at the center of it.
(2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Peter 1:19; Numbers 14:21; Psalm 22:27; Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah 40:5)
That we shall not sit on the fence, but will be at the center of God’s prophetic agenda to fill the earth with the Knowledge of His glory as the waters cover the sea.
In the glorious name of Jesus.
Hosea 1 – 3
Hebrews 4 – 6
– I increase in the knowledge of the glory of God (which is the revelation of Jesus).
– I share in the prophetic vision of God to cover the earth, with His glory.
– I am involved preaching the gospel everywhere I go.
– I don’t keep quiet. I don’t allow darkness and ignorance to prevail.
– I shine the glory of God upon every heart.
– I cover the earth! I cover the earth! I cover the earth!
I am at the center of what the Lord is doing! I am an agent of transformation in my generation
Ha,I’m an agent of Transformation
To fill the earth is to fill every heart, such a great revelation. I walk in this consciousness and cover the earth with the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am at the center of this
His life is the light of men. He lights up every man that comes into this world.
The display of Jesus is the revelation of God’s purpose
Habbakuk 2:14 ????????
Oh glory to God am blessed
Hahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gloreeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have found the Word sufficient for my day , it is a sure word Hosea 10 “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘children of the living God.’ Awwwwwwwwwww……….How beautiful is the future of the saints of God. I cannot be disadvantaged….. Isaiah 61:3 “…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair”.
My future is SECURED
I have a beautiful Future
Thank you sweet Jesus….. I have personally learnt from today’s Bible reading that the world might promise you so many things but they are empty like empty calories are- just fill your tommy for a short while making you feel energized and gives you no nutrient. Seek God’s word and counsel beloved. Hosea 2 verse 7 She will chase after her lovers but not catch them;
she will look for them but not find them.
Then she will say,
‘I will go back to my husband as at first,
Eeeiii..this world offers empty calories…ohh boi..I choose the WORD
Hosea 2 verses 21“In that day, I will respond.”
declares the Lord—
“I will respond to the skies,
and they will respond to the earth;
and the earth will respond to the grain,
the new wine and the olive oil,
and they will respond to Jezreel.[k]
I will plant her for myself in the land;
I will show my love to the one I called ‘Not my loved one.[l]’
I will say to those called ‘Not my people,[m]’ ‘You are my people’;
and they will say, ‘You are my God.’”
Hebrews 5 verse
9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. 10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Glorrrrrrrrrrrey I enter the rest of the most High God. Awww Gloreeeeey 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.( hebrews 4 verse 16)- powerful verities being shared. Hebrews 6 12 that you do not become [k]sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Gloreeeeeeeeeey If you have not read today’s Bible reading, then you are missing some amazing scriptures. Spend a few minutes to read and trust me , you will be refreshed
Aww.. glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy
hallelujah………. I invade the heart of men with the knowledge and the glory of God with the gospel
I capture all hearts and minds with the revelation of JESUS
An army that take NO for an answer
I shine the glory of God upon every heart in the name of Jesus
In the name of JESUS
I am involved preaching the gospel everywhere I go.
I don’t sit on the fence.
Ohhhh in tge name of Jesus, I am at the center of God’s vision. I am part of what God is doing. I cover the earth with the Gospel. Gloreeey
Glory to God
Im at the center of what God is doing
I spread the gospel as Christ tells me to, i dont allow darkness and ignorance to prevail
I am not ashamed of the Gospel
I’m privileged to be involved in this rich purpose of God.
Thank you Jesus
Ohh boi..thank you Lord JESUS for the calling
Thank you Lord Jesus for your word
I fill the hearts of many with the intrinsic word of God
Many shall experience God’s Glory as I share the gospel with them
The word shall fill every heart with knowledge of God
Glory! We cover the earth with this gospel
Glory to Jesus!
Glory to Jesus!
I’m involved in what God is doing.
im fully INVOLVED
The revelation of Christ Jesus reaches to all generations, all hearts as the waters covers the sea
I cover the Earth with Revelation of JESUS and I do it with more URGENCY in the name of JESUS
I preach the gospel of the knowledge of Christ in and out of season.
I don’t sit on the fence.
The prophetic Word of the prophet Habbakuk must prevail.
Ps.22.27 The whole earth will acknowledge the LORD and return to him. People from every nation will bow down before him. (NLT)
This is the doing of the Lord and I am at the center of it. I cover, I saturate and soak all the earth and the hearts of men with the knowledge of the glory of God. Gloreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!! Look
I increase in the knowledge of the glory of God
Ow dear Lord, to fill the Earth is to fill every heart…. We saturate every heart with your Glorious news Lord Jesus
Glory be to God. Oooh thank you Lord Jesus.
[…] Wherever God has placed you, He wants you to cover that place with the knowledge of His glory. […]
This is what God is doing now ! And we will cover every nook and cranny of this world!
[…] requires something more than your natural capacity and strength. This requires divine capacity! To cover the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God…To Take your city for Christ…To saturate your sphere with the Gospel…To Go forth […]
[…] physical world was not made by God just for funfair. God’s mission was to saturate the physical sphere with Himself and the dominion of His Kingdom. And to accomplish that mandate He made […]