Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Revelation, walking with God



The Love-Life Agency

Sunday, 19th November, 2023


“Look at the proud one, His soul is not right within him, But the righteous will live by his faith [in the true God].” 

Habakkuk 2:4 (Amplified)

The goal of the word of God is to make you fruitful in your walk with Him. This begins with the infusion of faith. Anytime God’s word comes to you, it produces faith in you.
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17).
Faith is the absolute confidence in God and what He says. It is the substance of the reality which is beyond the optics.
When the word of God comes to you concerning a matter, it opens your heart to God’s revelation on that matter or situation; and reprograms your mind on how to deal with that matter or situation according to God’s wisdom. This is how faith works!
Four times in the Bible, you can see the phrase:
“The just shall live by faith” or “The righteous shall live by faith” (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38;)
It is mentioned three times in the New Testament portion of the Bible and once in the Old Testament portion of the Bible.
The opening verse, Habakkuk 2:4, is the original or the first time that phrase was used. 
What makes Habakkuk 2:4, unique is the expression, “…HIS FAITH“. 

This focuses on how we appropriate or engage the revelation of Jesus in our personal lives. That is the subjective Faith.

In the New Testament, the focus of the other three verses is on the OBJECT of Faith (which is the revelation of Jesus). 
Jesus is the object and substance of our confidence in God.
Which means Faith is Jesus and all that He has done for us. Jesus is the substance or embodiment of our confidence and assurance in God unto salvation.
Now to continue to live by faith and manifest the fullness of the life which you have in Christ, you must have a personal revelation of the Word of God.
To have a personal revelation of the word of God is not to have your personal interpretation of the word of God. (2 Peter 1:20)
The word of God (or every scripture) is prophetic and there is a complete interpretation of every scripture in the Bible. There are three methods the Word of God was given:
1. The Word of God or the scriptures were given by revelation; which is from God to His holy men. (See Amos 3:7; Hebrews 1:1-2; Daniel 2:22,28; Galatians 1:11-12).
2. And by inspiration these holy men wrote the scriptures. Which is from heart to “paper”. (See 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16). 
3. The third method is illumination. This is from “Paper” to heart (See Psalm 119:18,130; Ephesians 1:18). This happens through the teaching and the study of the Word.
As all scripture is inspired by God, we should understand that we are not inspired to rewrite the scriptures. The dimension of inspiration we enjoy now, involves how God has revealed spiritual truth to us through His word (which is already inspired by God).
It happens through accurate interpretation which is your study of spiritual truth, in God’s word. This is what it means to, “RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF GOD”. (2 Timothy 2:15).
It is by this you can handle the truth of the word of God for yourself.
All that God has said in His word is the revelation of His life and eternal counsel to mankind. Your revelation of God must be according to the word of God. For the Word of God to be useful to you, you need to know and own the Word. You must personalise it. 
The knowledge of the word of God must not just be another increase in information but increased revelation.
Your faith is governed by your personal revelation. 
To have a personal revelation is not to have a new revelation (which has never been before).
The revelation of the word of God in the scriptures is complete. Christ is the completeness of God’s revelation (Hebrews 1:1-2).
To have a personal revelation is to have an absolute and accurate understanding of what God has said through the scriptures.
It is to personally behold and capture the light or the reality of God through His Word. Personal revelation is the illumination of the word of God in your heart.
The illumination of the Word involves your understanding of spiritual truth which is in the Word, by the administration of the Holy Spirit (through a sound teacher of the Word, and Bible study materials).
This is what “The Machaira with Apostle Bennie” does to you. It makes you an illumined believer.
You are trained to personally recognize the truthfulness of what you read in the Bible and to apprehend its beauty. 
Illumination of the scriptures enlightens you to recognize the authority and significance of what is said in the word, for your daily victories.
It means you are not merely living by what someone says he or she has found in the Scriptures. But you live by what you have personally seen and handled in the Scriptures. This makes your faith effective and you live the reality of your overcoming life.
“For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God]” 1 John 5:4 (Amplified)
When you have a personal revelation of the Word, you can have personal daily victories of faith.
(1 Corinthians 2; 1 John 1:1-3; Job 42:5; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Isaiah 6:10; Philippians 3:10; Luke 1:1-4)
Lord, open our eyes and hearts to your word that we will be enlightened and built in our Faith for personal daily victories which will bring glory to your name.
In the glorious name of Jesus.
Daniel 10 – 12
Hebrews 3
– I grow in my personal faith in Jesus.
– My heart and mind are illuminated by the Word of God.
– I don’t live by assumptions. I live by revelation.
– I walk in the reality of the Word of God.
– I see truth in the word of God.
– I recognise the authority of the word of God in every situation of my life.
– I am richly enlightened by the word for the increase of my faith.
Glory to God!

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Diana Aline
Diana Aline
10 months ago

I live by the realities of the word of God..
My eyes and my mind are on the word of God…
Glory to God.. thank you Jesus Christ..
God bless you Apostle Sir.

10 months ago
Reply to  Diana Aline

My reality is GOD’S WORD

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
10 months ago

Thank You Jesus for 300 episodes with light

10 months ago
Reply to  Prince Semanu


Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
10 months ago

I own God’s word for myself, living by what the scriptures have said and not by “strange visions and revelations” which does not speak of the word of God.

10 months ago
Reply to  Simon Dotse

I take Hold of GOD’S WORD daily

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
10 months ago

I walk in the reality of the Word of God.

10 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

Thank you Lord JESUS

10 months ago

“To have a personal revelation is to have an absolute and accurate understanding of what God has said through the scriptures” I lay hold of this reality! Hallelujah

10 months ago
Reply to  Sulley

My understanding is being enlightened in GOD’S WORD

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
10 months ago

My heart is flooded with light through the word of God. I have a personal revelation of the word, to wit the exact knowledge and insight of the scriptures.

10 months ago

The Light of GOD’S WORD transforms us.. hallelujah

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
10 months ago

I catch that personal revelation in my walk with God

10 months ago


Effah David
Effah David
10 months ago

I walk in the reality of the Word of God.
Glory to God!

Felix Nii Noi Addy
Felix Nii Noi Addy
10 months ago

I am richly enlightened by the word for the increase of my faith.

10 months ago

Faith comes from hearing God’s WORD

Gerald owusu
Gerald owusu
10 months ago

My heart and mind are illuminated by the Word of God.

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
10 months ago

I allow my heart to be flooded with the revelation of the Word, that I may see and hear right.


10 months ago
Reply to  Vincent Mensah

ohh boi.. GLORY TO GOD

10 months ago


Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
10 months ago

Thank you Jesus for your revelations. I live by them.

10 months ago
Reply to  Emmanuel Opoku

I live by them in Jesus Name

10 months ago

Thank you Lord JESUS for MACHAIRA WITH APOSTLE BENNIE which has made me an illumined believer

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
10 months ago

I don’t live by assumptions, I live by revelation.

10 months ago


10 months ago

When matters arises, I take hold of the revelation I received in the WORD unto Victories

10 months ago

MY faith is governed by MY personal revelation… Therefore if I’m not living the reality of the overcoming life Christ has already achieved for me its because of certain truths in scriptures I haven’t personally seen and handled… I myself I’m stalling my greatness… hmmm

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
10 months ago

Thank you, sweet Jesus, for Machaira with Apostle Bennie. Thank you Lord for the daily revelations and inspirations from the Word of God. Acts 20 verse 32 says
“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Indeed I have been built up by His word.

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
10 months ago

My hearts and mind are illuminated with the revelation of God’s word.
I live by the realities of God’s word

Sackey vaness
Sackey vaness
10 months ago

Thank you apostle , for this mouth watering revelation. It has fed my spirit man greatly . I live by the word , not what people say.

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
10 months ago

My heart and mind are illuminated by the word of God

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
10 months ago

Illumination of the scriptures enlightens you to recognize the authority and significance of what is said in the word, for your daily victories.

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles
10 months ago

I am richly enlightened by the word for the increase of my faith.
Glory to God!

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles
10 months ago

The word programs our mind to deal with situations according to the wisdom of God. Oh my!!!

Thank you very much Apostle.

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
9 months ago

Faith is personal and by my subjective revelation I wak with God. Hallelujah

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
9 months ago

Best way to commemorate 300 days with insight

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