Holy Spirit, Machaira with Apostle Bennie, walking with God



The Love-Life Agency

Sunday 3rd September, 2023


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the THE communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen!”

2 Corinthians 13:14  (KJV)
One of the beautiful things Christ achieved for us is the ability to commune or fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
In every communion communication is key. Communication is not only speaking and listening.
It also includes the ability to understand. However, understanding begins with the ability to hear.
Hearing the voice of God is a great gain and treasure.
It is one of the burdens most people have.
Over the years, many have been taught on steps in hearing or listening to the voice of God (Holy Spirit), others have even numbered and standardized these list.
But beloved, to follow, to hear or recognize the voice of your Heavenly Father is not in an external list of steps.
Hearing the voice of God is not as complex as it has been made.
Let’s be basic, how did you know the voice of a close relative or friend? Or how do you differentiate the voice of your father from your uncle? 
You will most likely find it easy to recognise the voice of the one you commune with the most. Recognizing the voice of someone you know, spend time with and listen to more will always be easy.
You know the voice of a person because you talk or commune with such fellow often. You could even recognize their voice from a distance and amidst other voices speaking at the same time.
The same principle is true about God (Holy Spirit). 
Now you don’t need to be confused about whose voice you are hearing.
The more you commune with the Holy Spirit, the more you will recognize His voice.
It is impossible to live a confused life when you commune with Him daily.
The Holy Spirit is your friend.
Talk to Him about everything and He will direct your path.
How then do you commune with Him?
First by fellowshipping with the Scriptures through study.
Decide to be a student of the word.
You must know the word of God.
When the word of God has not gained mastery in your heart, your communion with Him will not be rich.
Let the word dwell in you richly (Colossians 3:16).
The Holy Spirit will lead you by the word. 
Through the word, you will learn to sing and worship Him. 
You will learn not to trust in your own understanding. 
You will learn to pray more effectively when you study the word.
He lives in you.
He is also with you.
He knows all things.
He will help you in all your endeavors.
He takes interest in everything you do.
He wants to help you.
Now beloved, take a moment after reading this post to commune with Him.
Talk to Him. 
Say things like;
“thank you Holy Spirit for your love”
“thank you for being there for me at all times”
“I love you Holy Spirit” and etc
You remain a blessing!
(2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 10:27; Hebrews 1:1-2; John 8:47; Revelation 3:22; Psalms 85:8)
– Thanking the Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
– That we will grow in a deeper consciousness of our fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
Day 209:
Psalm 117 – 118
Luke 17-18
– Thank you Holy Spirit for your love.
– Thank you for being there for me at all times.
– I love you Holy Spirit.
– I don’t trivialize my fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
– I walk daily in the consciousness of the Holy Spirit.
– The Holy Ghost is my helper.
Oh Gloreeeey!!!!! Hallelujah!

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10 months ago

Thank you Holy Spirit for daily granting me understanding in this walk of Faith.. Hallelujah

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
5 months ago
Reply to  Bernard

Thank you Lord Jesus

Angela Zotra
10 months ago

Thank you Holy Spirit for always being there for me at all times ,thank you for granting me understanding ,thank you for making me grow more in faith ,you always take interest in all that I do ..you are amazing thank you Holy Spirit for your love …Hallelujah

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
5 months ago
Reply to  Angela Zotra

Thank you sweet spirit of God

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
10 months ago

I don’t trivialize my fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
5 months ago

In the name of Jesus

Mac Rich
Mac Rich
9 months ago

Oh thank you Jesus.

Felix Nii Noi Addy
Felix Nii Noi Addy
9 months ago

Thank you precious holy spirit for been there for me always. I love you sweet holy spirit

Amoah Eyram
Amoah Eyram
9 months ago

Glory to God
I have the Holy Spirit and He is my Friend.
He is always with me, i know this because He said soo in His word.
Thank you Lord Jesus, for this sweet gift you have given me

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
9 months ago

Thank You Precious Spirit of God

Gmajombane Emmanuel
Gmajombane Emmanuel
9 months ago

Thank you sweet Holy Spirit…

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
9 months ago

Thank you Holy Spirit for your love
Thank you Holy spirit for being with me always.
I love you Holy spirit
Glory to God

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
9 months ago

Thank you Jesus for the gift of the holy spirit

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
9 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus!
Wow, communion with he Holy Spirit is so crucial because, without His communion, you would be overwhelmed by challenges and make wrong choices

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
9 months ago

Thank You Holy Spirit

9 months ago

Thank you Holy Spirit
I Love you LORD

9 months ago

You are my everything I LORD
You mean more than this world to me

9 months ago

Amazing Grace.
I walk in the daily conciousneas of the Holy Spirit as my helper and guide

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
9 months ago

Oh! my comforter, my teacher, my friend, my guide, my love and my All in All, thank you Sweet Holy Spirit.

6 months ago

Thank you Precious Spirit of God for your unfailing Love for me. Thank you for making me so special and precious in your eyes. You are ever with me


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Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
5 months ago

Thank you Holy Spirit for your love.
Thank you for being there for me at all times. I love you Holy Spirit.


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