Machaira with Apostle Bennie

EPISODE 21 – THE SEAL OF GOD’S INTIMACY WITH YOU 2 (God’s Love Language 12) 

By Benjamin Nana Amissah Ansah


(Pronounced makh’-ahee-rah)

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Sunday 12th February, 2023
The Seal of God’s Intimacy With You 2 (God’s Love Language 12)
“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.”
John 14:15-17 (NASB1995)
The Holy Spirit in you is the seal of God’s Intimacy with you.
God didn’t just want to have an outward relationship with you. God wanted have a deeper inward relationship with you. This is why He comes to   indwell you through the Holy Spirit.
The thing is, God didn’t come to dwell in you, with a plan or a condition to exit. He came to make His Home in you forever. Which means you are God’s residential address through the Holy Spirit. 
God didn’t just indwell you, He made it possible legally.
Through the death of Jesus, the old sin nature was terminated or crucified, so that you can receive the new life, which is Christ. (Galatians 2:20).
Through Christ’s death and resurrection, you were justified, sanctified and made Holy. Your body now became the temple of the Holy Spirit.
You were made pure in Christ, that now God can dwell in you.
This was not just achieved by God through Christ, so that you will practice a “religious worship”. This was achieved by God with the goal of intimacy.
God didn’t want you to know Him by mental assent. He wants you to be in Him and He shall also be in you, to bring you into full experience of His love beyond utterance.
Through Christ’s death, God demonstrated His greatest love towards you. Now, by indwelling you through the Spirit, He seals His love for you.
The Holy Spirit in you is the consummate expression of all that God began in Christ.
Your recognition and engagement of the presence of the Holy Spirit in you, is the most beautiful way to enjoy all that Christ has achieved for you.
Through the Holy Spirit, God daily makes His love real to you.
The Holy Spirit in you is the evidence that God didn’t come to show you one time love through Jesus’ earth walk. He is in you now as the evidence that you can receive, enjoy, experience and share in His love forever.
The Holy Spirit in you is also the continuous supply of the ability of God’s love in your heart.
Which means, He is in you not only for you to enjoy God’s love, but to make you a dispenser of the Love of God.
Now you have the ability to love, to walk with God intimately, and to share the unfathomable unconditional love with others.
True intimacy with God doesn’t end when you stand in a “Church auditorium“, with your hands lifted, having tears in your eyes and crying out how you love the Lord. That experience may be real as His love overwhelms your heart. Nevertheless, true intimacy with God is a daily walk. 
The Holy Spirit is not dwelling in you seasonally. He is in you FOREVER!
“…He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever…” John 14:16 
You don’t enjoy the love of God annually, nor weekly. The Holy Spirit in you, means you have daily avalanche of the Love of God flowing in your heart forever.
Now, to commune with God through prayer should be a restful flow. To fellowship with the Lord and to delight in Him, should be expressed by you organically. To have deep moments of ministering to the Lord and receiving the ministrations of the Lord should be unforceful.
Beloved, the Holy Spirit is in you now. You have the living spring of life within you by which you can fellowship and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
Worship no longer becomes an act of religious demand. Worship becomes a response to the revelation of God in your heart through the administration of the Holy Spirit.
To have the Holy Spirit in you, means you have the source of God’s loving ability. You have what it takes to daily demonstrate the love of God and the inward evidence to daily trust the Lord. You have the seal of God’s love and supply in you. 
Glory to God.
(Ephesians 3:18-19; Ephesians 5:2; Jeremiah 31:3; Isaiah 49:15; Zephaniah 3:17; John 4:10-25)
-that by the wisdom of God, we shall take advantage of the Holy Spirit in our heart, to demonstrate total trust in the Lord and to share His unfathomable unconditional love with others.
Day 13: Job 35-37
I have the seal of the Lord upon me. The love of God is in my heart, therefore, I have the ability to love. I have an intimate relationship with God. I enjoy and demonstrate the avalanche of God’s love. I have a daily communion with God.

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Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
2 years ago

What a blessed truth!!!

It is refreshing to know that through the Holy Spirit, God daily makes His love real to you.


Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
2 years ago


To have the Holy Spirit is to have God loving ability.
I love the Lord unforcefully, for His love is supplied in my heart by the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
2 years ago

Glory to God I demonstrate the avalanche of God’s love daily

Nkrumah Sarkodie Charles

The living spring of life indwells me, the Holy Spirit, the source of God’s loving ability. I take advantage of the Holy Spirit, I enjoy communion and deep fellowship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit.

2 years ago

Hey, I am God’s residential address
through the holy Spirit.
Thank you Lord for giving me another helper to be with me forever.

I have the seal of God upon me! The love of God is in my heart. Therefore I have the ability to love. Gloreeeey!
I have the seal of God upon me! The love of God is in my heart. Therefore I have the ability to love. Gloreeeey!
2 years ago

I have the seal of God upon me! The love of God is

2 years ago

The seal of God upon me! I have the love of God in my heart. Therefore I have the ability to love Gloreeeey!

Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
2 years ago

Amazing truth!! Thank God for his Holy Spirit

1 year ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for making such a great provisions of having an intimate with you through the holy spirit…..
So refreshing


[…] the ability of God in you. You only grow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit as you maintain an intense intimate relationship with Him. You have the Holy Spirit in you, just as it was within the Apostles. You have the ability of God […]

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

I enjoy and demonstrate the avalanche of God’s love.
I have a daily communion with God.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
8 months ago

I have intimacy with the Father for the Holy Spirit in me is the seal of God’s Intimacy with me

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
8 months ago

His love beyond utterance……

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
8 months ago

The Holy Spirit in you is also the continuous supply of the ability of God’s love in your heart.

I have the continuous supply of the ability of God’s love in my heart

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
8 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

His love is burning in my heart

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