Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Thursday 15th June, 2023


” [Remember] this: he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly, and he who sows generously [that blessings may come to someone] will also reap generously and with blessings.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)
There are evidences all through scriptures to the benefits and blessings of giving.
Though whatever you give is first from God, He blesses you for giving.
Yes, we give because we are blessed; nevertheless, when we give, the Lord blesses us.
Never assume there is no blessing in giving.
I mentioned one of the blessings of Giving in the previous post, which is:
God causing all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance. (See 2 Corinthians 9:8)
A cheerful prompt to do it giver is blessed with ALL GRACE IN ABUNDANCE.
And this All GRACE includes, favor and earthly blessing.
This blessing transcends material things. However, this blessing is a force which can attract material things.
There are people who first look out for material things when they give. But what God gives to you is an essential conditioning which causes the material world to respond rightly to you.
Consider the story of Jacob and Esau. We see Jacob receiving the blessing of the covenant. Isaac spoke words to Jacob, but those words are the impartation of the blessing.
When Esau came and realised Jacob has received the blessing, he asked if there is any more blessing for him:
“…he has taken away my blessing. Haven’t you saved a blessing for me?”
Isaac answered, “I have already made him master over you, and I have made all his relatives his slaves. I have given him grain and wine. Now there is nothing that I can do for you, son!” Genesis 27: 36-37 (GNT).
When you read the scriptures you will realised the blessing of Isaac were impartation of words. They were physical items he gave to Jacob. Jacob didn’t leave his father’s house with material properties his father had. He left with the blessing (See more in Genesis 27:1-45).
We are all blessed with spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3). These spiritual blessings are not dependent on your self effort, but the finished work of Christ.
However, there is an impartation of blessing which abounds towards every cheerful prompt to do it giver.
As a cheerful, joyous prompt to do it giver, have this expectation and mentality or consciousness that you are specially blessed with ALL GRACE to enjoy favor and earthly blessing in abundance.
What is the goal of this blessing?
It is not fore mere luxury.
We see the essence of this abounding grace:
“…so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]. 2 Corinthians 9:8 ( Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)
Beloved, this is what this blessing of all abounding grace (of favor and earthly blessing) produces in you:

– You may always (at any given time give)

– under all circumstances (or no matter the situation)

 – whatever the need (the obligation, requirement, task, project, burden, mission, the necessity, irrespective of the size or greatness of the work)

– You will be self-sufficient [to be self-sufficient means to possess enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].

What a limitless BLESSING?
It’s a blessing that makes you a GREAT GIVING.
Are you a cheerful, joyous prompt to do it giver?
To be a part of the gospel financiers, send us a mail on
(1 Chronicles 29:2-20; Luke 16:9-11; Proverbs 3:9-11; Deuteronomy 15:10; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; 9:1-11; Deuteronomy 8:18)
We enjoy the super abounding blessings of grace as we give cheerfully.
DAY 133: 1 Chronicles 28-29
– I am an extravagant giver.
– I don’t give grudgingly, I give cheerfully.
– I am a prompt to do it giver and my heart is in my giving.
– I give greatly into the Lord’s work.
– I am a son of consolation.
– Because of me the work of God is done with ease.
– I increase in the grace to give day by day.
– I don’t withhold my money. I give out joyously as the Lord inspires me.
– I have the heart and the mind of a giver.
– This week I give greatly into the Lord’s assignment.
– The Lord has engraced and enabled me to give more.
– I increase and abound in this giving grace massively.
-I always at any given time give.
– I give under all circumstances (no matter the situation)
 – I am willing to give whatever the need (the obligation, requirement, task, project, burden, mission, the necessity, irrespective of the size or greatness of the work)
– I am self-sufficient giver by the grace of God.
 – I possess enough and require no aid or support to give.
– I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.
Oh Hallelujah, Gloreeeey!!!

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Ahortor Emelia
Ahortor Emelia
1 year ago

I am an extravagant giver.
I don’t give grudgingly, I give cheerfully.
I am a prompt to do it giver and my heart is in my giving.
I give greatly into the Lord’s work.
I am a son of consolation.
Because of me the work of God is done with ease.
Thank you Lord Jesus

Jacob kofitse
Jacob kofitse
1 year ago

Oh thank you Lord.
I am a cheerful giver
I give under all circumstances.

Sarah Amegavie
Sarah Amegavie
1 year ago

I’m self sufficient giver. Furnished in abundance for every good work

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago


I increase in the grace to give day by day

1 year ago


I enjoy the Blessings of the Grace of giving in order to abound unto every good work.

Glory to God.

Francis Elorm
Francis Elorm
1 year ago

The blessings beyond mere luxury is for the cheerful prompt to do it Giver

Francis Elorm
Francis Elorm
1 year ago


Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.

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