Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Saturday 3rd June, 2023


“Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver:” 1 Chronicles 29:3 (NKJV).
The Lord’s assignment has never been small. Even the things which seem little are embodiment of great seeds.
When Jesus was speaking to His disciples to go ye into all the nations, he didn’t consider the ratio of His disciples and the population of the world.
It is estimated that the world’s population at the time of Jesus, was around 300 million.
And Jesus asked that they take the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. The assignment was unto generations yet unborn.
He wanted to see all men saved, as He worked through His disciples.
It was a great task and that was why the Lord asked them to tarry until they are imbued with power.
For God to call you into fellowship or partnership with Him (1 Corinthians 1:9), it means He has also invited you to share in His great burdens.
He made you and created you for His foreordained good works (Ephesians 2:10).
And He doesn’t leave you to yourself, He works with you to do great things.
With God we will do great things; for by him will our haters be crushed underfoot.” Psalm 108:13 (BBE)
To do great things with God, you must first learn to channel your desires right.
What is your desire?
What takes the attention of your heart?
Until you set your affection towards the Lord you will not be able to do great things with God.
David the king, showed us how he was able to give his best towards the building of the Lord’s house:
” Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God, over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver:” 1 Chronicles 29:3 (NKJV).
To set your affection on something means, you have made it your delight or it has overwhelmed your mind and pleasure.
This is the first thing to consider in doing great things for God;


Whatever overwhelms your affection or desire has your attention and resources.
Desire is the primary fuel that causes you to do great things for the Lord.
To increase in desire for the Lord;

1. Spend time to meditate on the Word of God and to behold great things others have done for the Lord.

2. See God’s heartbeat. See how the Lord wants to give hope to a hopeless clueless generation.

3. Understand the meaning and purpose of life. See that the meaning of life transcends the portrait of the world. The life of Christ is the picture of the true meaning of life.

4. Make it your meditation, think about it, talk about it and train your heart to rejoice in it.

5. Spend time with people who share in the new desires you cultivate. Be in the right company of people sharing in your burdens and desires.

6. Attempt something great for the Lord and be determined to do more.

7. Make time to pray and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

The more you follow these things, the more you intensify your affection towards the Lord’s assignment.

Where is your desire?

(Colossians 3:1-2; 1 Chronicles 22:19; 1 Chronicles 28:9)
That we yield and submit to the controlling and compelling force of Christ, to increase in the desire of the Lord in doing great things.
Day 121: 2 Kings 21-23
– I set my affection on the Lord and His vision.
– I dare to do great things for the Lord.
– I give my mind to the meditation of the word.
– I delight in the word of God.
– I yield my heart and mind to the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
– Many believe in Jesus through me.
– Many respond to the gospel on my lips.
– I speak the right words inspired by the Holy Spirit to get people saved.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!

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Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago

Many respond to the gospel on my lips.
I speak the right words inspired by the Holy Spirit to get people saved.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

Every desire and affection is channelled right. In the name of Jesus.

simon dotse
simon dotse
1 year ago

I walk with the right people. Glorreeeyy to Jesus

simon dotse
simon dotse
1 year ago

I set my affections and desires on the lord

Ahortor Emelia
Ahortor Emelia
1 year ago

Praise God!
I set my affection on the Lord and His vision.
I dare to do great things for the Lord.
I give my mind to the meditation of the word.
I delight in the word of God.
I yield my heart and mind to the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Many believe in Jesus through me.

Thank you Apostle sir

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
1 year ago

Thank you Lord Jesus
 I set my affection on the Lord and His vision. I give my mind to the meditation of the word.

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
1 year ago

My desires are channeled right in the name of Jesus

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

To be able to do anything great for the highest God and His kingdom, I have learned to set my affection first on the highest God.
I have also learned that to be called into partnership or fellowship with the most High God I have to share in His great burdens.
To do great things with God, I must first learn how to channel my desires right.
Indeed anything that overwhelms my affection or desire has my attention and my resources.
I have also learned that as I have risen with Christ Jesus, I must seek the things above and not the things on earth.

1 year ago

Glory to God

I set my affections upon the Lord.


1 year ago

Glory to God

I channel my desires towards the Lord to do great things with Him.


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Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

I speak the right words inspired by the Holy Spirit to get people saved.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
4 months ago

I yield my heart and mind to the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

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