Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Friday 26th May, 2023
” All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV)
At new birth, you received the life of God, and full capacity.
Jesus said, “…I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” John 10:10 (Amplified)
However, for the life to have full expression in you, it is dependent on how you have been cultivated.
The life of God is in your spirit. God does not live in your mind; He lives in your spirit. And your mind has to be cultured to become conscious with the reality of God in your spirit-man.
This is what spiritual maturity is in a certain degree. Spiritual maturity is basically your growth in consciousness. It is your mind, your will and emotions being cultivated to operate according to the reality of God in your spirit.
For example:
“God has not given you the spirit of fear”
This is the reality of your spirit.
However, you may find yourself living in fear.
Your mind, emotions and will have not be trained to practice the reality of fearlessness.
The more you give yourself to the training of the Word, the more you live according to God’s reality in your spirit.
You have to consciously submit your consciousness, mind, will and emotions to the teachings of the Word.
When you don’t submit yourself to the teachings of the Word, you must know you are being cultivated by another thought patterns.
Whether you are intentional about it or not, you are cultivated or trained to live by some thought patterns.
If your life is not influenced by the Word of God, you will be influenced by some other information.
It is just like having a bare land, with no intentional vegetation.
The land will not remain bare forever, because weeds will germinate on that land.
Weeds grow anywhere there is room.
As long as no activity is happening on a land doesn’t mean nothing is growing on that land.
Our Lord Jesus likened the heart to a field and the word to a seed. (Mark 4:16-20).
When you don’t intentionally cultivate or train your heart with the Word, weeds will germinate.
Even whiles you are cultivating your heart with the word (as the seed), you have to consistently use the word to uproot wrong seeds which will germinate on the field.
Usually when you are cultivating a soil and weeds also begin to germinate on that field, they compete with the plants over nutrients.
The word of God as a seed is profitable for:
” *…doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness*” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV)
The scriptures are God’s course for your living. They are designed to culture your heart and also to uproot or correct any wrong teachings of the world.
To word instruct is the Greek word, “paideia”; which means to educate or train and to correct or discipline and chastise.
The word of God trains you, to live according to God’s design and thought.
It sharpens your mind, emotions and will to live in conformity to God’s will publicly and privately.
Don’t allow weeds of thoughts from the news, the society, friends, school, workplace etc germinate in your heart. Guard your heart with the Word of God.
Be intentional about what grows in your heart.
Envy, pride, hatred, fear, pain, bitterness, etc can geminate in your heart without your permission, if you don’t intentionally give yourself to the training of the Word.
As you study the Word, it corrects negative imaginations and thoughts which are not in conformity to the mind of God.
This is how you can be equipped for every good work.
(Romans 15:4; Zephaniah 3:4; Psalm 119:11; Proverbs 6:23; Proverbs 15:10,31)
That we will consciously submit our consciousness, mind, will and emotions to the teachings of the Word.
Day 114: 2 Kings 1-2
– I intentionally give myself to the training of the word.
– I guard my heart with the word of God.
– I don’t permit negative thoughts.
– I allow the word of God to cultivate my heart.
– As I fellowship with the word of God daily, it sharpens my mind, will and emotions to live in conformity to God’s will.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY!

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1 year ago

I am very critical and intentional about what geminates in my heart..and that is GOD’S WORD.

1 year ago

I Do not allow weeds of thoughts from the news, the society, friends, school, workplace etc germinate weeds in your heart.

I Guard your heart with the Word of God with all intentions

1 year ago

The Highest WISDOM has Come.. which is GOD’S WORD..not worldly wisdom

I take delight in GOD’S WORD for doctrine, reproof, correction, instructions etc..

For the FOOLISHNESS OF GOD is WISER than man’s wisdom.

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

Most High GOD
As I CULTIVATE THE WORD OF THE LORD, I dispel anything that does not please the highest God
I get rid of all thoughts or strongholds which is not in line with what God has said.
The word of God gives me life and hope.
It is a light upon my feet and a light unto my path.

1 year ago

Psalms 15:31..He who listens to a Life giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.

Woow, I love the scriptures

1 year ago

Glory to God

I intentionally give myself to the training of God’s Word.


Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

Glory to God!
The word of God sharpens my mind, will and emotion to live in conformity to God’s will, publicly and privately.

Thank you Lord Jesus.

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
1 year ago

As I fellowship with the word of God daily, it sharpens my mind, will and emotions to live in conformity to God’s will.
Oh Hallelujah, GLOREEEEY

1 year ago

As I fellowship with the word of God daily, it sharpens my mind, will, emotions to live in conformity to God’s will.

I don’t permit negative thoughts.
In the name of Jesus Christ!


[…] infusion of the light of God’s Word, cultures your mind and brings you into higher realm of civilization and […]

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
8 months ago

I allow the word of God to cultivate my heart.

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