The Love-Life Agency

“I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just.”
Proverbs 8:15 (TPT)
The born again in Christ is translated from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.
In His Kingdom, we are all made Kings and Priests.
“and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6 (NKJV)
Our reign as kings in Christ doesn’t begin after this present world has come to an end. Our reign as kings in Christ is not for the future. It is a NOW responsibility.
The scripture says “He has made us…”, which means He is not now trying or planning to make us kings and priests.
Concerning the saved ones, God says:
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” 1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV)
You are part of the Lord’s nation of kinging-priests. You have the mandate to reign or rule in your sphere; and how you reign, is a display of God’s glory.
As kings in Christ, we are to lead our generation with WISDOM.
If in case you are still wondering why you must love Wisdom, this is it:
Wisdom empowers Kings to reign.
Hear what Wisdom says:
“I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just. I empower princes to rise and take dominion, and generous ones to govern the earth.” Proverbs 8:15-16 (TPT)
How well do you want to influence your world?
How do you want to manifest God’s glory?
How do you want to lead your generation?
Wisdom is the principal thing!
Be intentional about walking in Wisdom.
Remember, the Word of God is the constitution of Wisdom.
“Here are kingdom revelations, words to live by, and words of wisdom given to empower you to reign in life…” Proverbs 1:1 (TPT)
The impartation of the Word of God is the impartation of the revelation of Wisdom and spiritual understanding.
The more you fellowship with the Word of God, the more your thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the Wisdom of God.
Beloved, Love Wisdom; for by her you are empowered to reign as a King.
We pray that we shall be imparted with the rich Secrets of Wisdom and understanding so that we will be able to acquire brilliant strategies for leadership in our generation.
In the name of Jesus!
Genesis 4 – 6
Genesis 2
I recieve wisdom to rule from the revelation of God’s word in the name of Jesus.
I walk in divine wisdom
I love wisdom
As I fellowship with the Word of God daily, I develop a strong love for Wisdom and Understanding.
I am empowered by Wisdom to resign.
I grow in Wisdom for Leadership.
I choose WISDOM.
I am imparted with wisdom to rule as I fellowship with God’s word.
I am empowered as a King to rule.
I take wisdom driven decisions through God’s word.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus 🙌.
By wisdom I acquire brilliant strategies for leadership.
Oh glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy!!
I walk in wisdom
I am given to the word
I am full of Divine wisdom…
I walk in Wisdom…
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ….
I don’t limit myself to any mere words but I give myself to study of God’s word to be equipped with God’s word and walk in it….
Wisdom is my pleasure…
I don’t give Wisdom space to stay away from me…
I am glued to the wisdom of God
I’m intentional about walking in wisdom
I’m intentional..
The more you fellowship with the Word of God, the more your thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the Wisdom of God.
Oh I fellowship with the word daily
In the name of Jesus
I’m empowered with wisdom to reign.
I’m imparted with rich secret of wisdom and understanding to lead my generation.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus.
By wisdom I lead my generation.
I act wisdom.
I live by wisdom.
I make wise decisions in the name of Jesus
In this life wisdom is a priority
Therefore by wisdom I reign
I love wisdom.
I reign as a king through wisdom!!
God’s desire for me to be a king or priest was not to be fulfilled in the future.
I am a part of God’s nation of ‘Kinging-Priests’.
I have the mandate to reign and rule in my sphere.
I do this by the WISDOM of God.
I love wisdom and I am empowered to reign as a King!!!
I am full of wisdom!
I act in wisdom!!
I walk in wisdom!!!
Through wisdom I build every aspect of my life….
I’m a lover of Wisdom
I rule my sphere by the wisdom of the Lord
I am a kinging priest
I reign and rule in my sphere by wisdom
I am full of wisdom
I have the wisdom to lead my generation to purpose
The more I fellowship with the word of God the more my thoughts are cultivated and shaped to be consistent with the wisdom of God.
Since wisdom empowers me to reign as a king in Christ then I cannot downplay the word of God, which is the constitution of God’s wisdom.
I love wisdom.
My actions and desires are geared and glued to wisdom
I act and live by wisdom
The desires of my heart is glued to wisdom
In the name of Jesus, I declare today over my life that I’ll be imparted with the rich Secrets of Wisdom and understanding so that I will be able to acquire brilliant strategies for leadership in my generation
In His Kingdom, we are all made Kings and Priests.
Glory to God.
This is good news
Thank you lord Jesus
Ooh yes, I’m full of wisdom.
In the name of Jesus
I speak wisdom
I walk in wisdom
I do wisdom things
I mingle with wisdom
I don’t do thing out wisdom
Ooh, yes I embodies wisdom.
Ooh, yes with genuine wisdom I take cities
Ooh yes, I teansform my world with wisdom.
In the name of Jesus
Ooh, yes
Oooh, yes I don’t go on meditation without pursuing wisdom
I speak wisdom
I walk in wisdom
I do wisdom things
I mingle with wisdom
I don’t do thing out of wisdom
Ooh, yes I embodies wisdom
Ooh, yes with genuine wisdom I take cities
Ooh yes, I transform my world with wisdom.
In the name of Jesus
Ooh, yes
Thank you lord Jesus.!
Thank You Jesus…:: I Walk In Wisdom
I Am The Wisdom
Anyone Who Encounters Me, Encounters Wisdom!!! This Is My Reality
I keep sound wisdom and discretion
The excellency of knowledge is that wisdom imparts life to them that have it.
Intentionally, I will go for wisdom in this new year. Thank you Lord!
Oh I love wisdom
Wisdom is indeed the principal thing.
Woow..I choose WISDOM without hesitation..
As a King and a priest.. WISDOM is my navigation map, compass, guiding light…
I embrace her..
I don’t downplay with WISDOM.
Wisdom is the WORD OF GOD TO ME.
It is interesting to know that King Solomon became famous because he undoubtedly chose Wisdom to Material statuses..
I choose WISDOM..
Wisdom is the principal thing
meaning nothing finds meaning and fulfilment outside wisdom. Even kings still go for wise men and elders in order to make right decisions but if we stick to the word of God we don’t need the council from others it will surely shows us what to do and how to arrive at fulfilment