The Love-Life Agency

“Jesus called out to them and said, “Come and follow me, and I will transform you into men who catch people for God.”
Matthew 4:19 (TPT)
God desires that all men will be saved. People are His desire and pleasure.
He made the earth for man, and made man for the expression of Himself. God never designed man to perish. He made man for His glory.
He’s always had good intentions for man. God’s goal for man is to indwell man and become man’s satisfaction. It has always been His pleasure to bring man into His union and fellowship.
To fully achieve this, He sent His Son Jesus in the fullness of time, to deal with the problem of sin (which caused the separation of man from God). Through Jesus’ finished work in His death, burial and resurrection, all men had access to salvation.
Christ died for our offenses, and for our justification He was raised (Romans 4:25).
God’s work through the ages is to set man free from the bondage of sin and to bring man into His eternal fellowship, which was completed through the resurrection of Jesus.
By what Christ Jesus our Lord has done, we have peace with God.
This is the glorious news of salvation to all men. And through the system of discipleship, as many who come to receive this truth and come into this glorious fellowship with God have the primary assignment to spread this good news of Jesus to others.
“And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to Himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:18 (TPT)
God’s primary assignment through Christ was to bring us into Himself. And the moment we came into Christ, He entrusted us with this wonderful assignment of reconciliation.
Wherever you find yourself as a believer, you must joyously prioritize this primary assignment of bringing many to God through Christ.
As many as are reconciled to God through Christ, begin to enjoy God’s glorious life in Christ.
The assignment of reconciliation translates men from darkness into light and from slavery into sonship.
It gives meaning and hope to the hopeless.
This is the Lord’s commission for every believer.
Don’t look away, to pursue your own selfish interest. Don’t invest all your time into what makes you happy or pleases you. Set your affection on this assignment of soul winning or ministry of reconciliation.
Make the Lord’s mission your mission and passion.Don’t procrastinate, get to work now!
Exodus 14
– My mind is set on fulfilling the Lord’s primary assignment for me.
– I daily avail myself as the medium by which the Lord’s desire will be fulfilled.
Thank you Lord Jesus!
I fulfill Devine purpose
Thank you Apostle for this reminder
We catch men for God
Through me, many are experiencing the knowledge of the truth.
Glory to Jesus
I set my affection on the Lord assignment of soul winning
I make the Lord’s mission my mission and passion
I get to work
Ooh thank you Lord Jesus
My number one job is to win souls for the Lord
I make the Lord’s mission my mission and passion
I get to work
Ooh thank you Lord Jesus
Thank you Lord Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
I get to work for Christ
I make the Lord’s mission my passion
Glory to Jesus
Thank you Jesus.
The crux of our message is that God wants to make man His habitation and eternal satisfaction. To achieve this, God came down in the likeness of man, as Jesus Christ to die for sin and through His resurrection, to bring man glad tidings and the news of peace, wherein He made man accepted in the beloved.
This message is what we preach and through discipleship programs like the T360s we bring in men to accept the message and initiate the total enjoyment of the Lord’s eternal satisfaction.
I am glad to be reading this today.
Thank you Machaira Team
Thank you Apostle Bennie
This is good news…
The mission of the Lord is my mission and passion.
I don’t turn away to my selfish interest and what makes me happy;
I invest myself in the assignment of the Lord.
Glory to Jesus
The mission of the Lord is my mission and passion.
I don’t turn away from it; I invest myself into it.
Through me many are experiencing the knowledge of the truth
We catch men for God
I don’t replace the primary asignment of winning men unto the Lord with any other thing.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you lord Jesus .
Through me, many are experiencing the knowledge of the truth.
Oh hallelujah!
I have recieved the ministry of reconciliation..i to must reconcile others to GOD.
I dont take no for an answer.
I am committed to the Lord’s assignment.
The ministry of reconciliation is my work and it is a must for me to do it so far as I signed up for the life of Christ.
We think we help God by doing the assignment of getting men for Jesus
But we help ourselves in many ways I.e
1. We reduce the darkness in earth as many enter light through the gospel
2. We speed up the coming of the messiah. Since we have made up our mind to shut up many evil people have the nerve to display falsehood with much confidence
Glory to God!
Evil men are now rebranded no
More in the bushes hiding but are in suites walking around destroying destinies and beautiful generations but if we keep still then many lives are in danger
We must not let the things of life take all the time
This life is for others not ours
This life is for others not ours… gloreeeeyyyyy
I Don’t procrastinate, I get to work now!
I don’t replace the primary asignment of winning men unto the Lord with any other thing.