Deception, Diligence, Doing Exploits, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Thursday 16th, May 2024


“Eliab, his older brother, heard David fraternizing with the men and lost his temper: “What are you doing here! Why aren’t you minding your own business, tending that scrawny flock of sheep? I know what you’re up to. You’ve come down here to see the sights, hoping for a ringside seat at a bloody battle!” 

1 Samuel 17:28 (Message)

There are several verses in the Bible that instruct and provide warning to the saints in Christ to beware of some fellows in the Church.

Such as:

Those who teach another gospel, which is not the gospel of Jesus. ( 2 Corinthians 11:4)

False Teachers (Titus 1:10-11).

Error of unprincipled men (2 Peter 3:17)

Beware of dogs  (Philippians 3:2). This is in reference to Christians who imposed requirements of the law of Moses and the religious practices of Jews as means of Salvation.

Orators who deceive through old fables and philosophical reasoning. (Colossians 2:8)

Those who cause division and put obstacles contrary to the teachings of Christ. (Romans 16:17-18)

There are many others the scriptures (especially the epistles), have warned the saints to avoid.

There are some other characteristics we have to avoid as we journey towards the fulfilment of God’s purpose for our lives.

Get this as we delve into today’s topic; the apostles recognized the Old Testament portion of the Bible (Genesis to Malachi) as the scriptures.

They established that the stories of people, events, places, etc which are written in the scriptures (Old Testament portion of the Bible) were for our learning.

“Whatever was written beforehand is meant to instruct us in how to live. The Scriptures impart to us encouragement and inspiration so that we can live in hope and endure all things.” Romans 15:4 (TPT)

See this as well:

“Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.” 1 Corinthians 10:11 (NKJV)

The people, their stories and events we read in the scriptures are not to just keep us abreast of historical accounts. They are testimonies of the revelation of Jesus (John 5:39) and also dispense virtues for our living through the knowledge of Christ.

Just as we are already gleaning wisdom from the life of David for our living.

Having this understanding, you must know that, there is no agreed concept in the scriptures called Eliab. Nevertheless, the character of Eliab in our study today embodies a certain group of people we must beware of as we journey towards purpose.

Eliab was the first Son of Jesse, while David was the youngest son. Thus, Eliab was David’s direct older brother.

Eliab wasn’t just an ordinary person. He wasn’t just a soldier in the army of Israel. He exudes so much aura of honor and hardly will anyone ignore him. Even Samuel the prophet nearly traded the consistency of his prophetic accuracy at the sight of Eliab.

Prophet Samuel was sent by God to anoint a new king for Israel from the house of Jesse.

So the Prophet invited Jesse and his sons, to where he was going to worship.

“When they arrived, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, “Here he is! God’s anointed!” 1 Samuel 16:6 (Message)

The Prophet was convinced that Eliab was the king the moment he saw him. His appearance was elegant and depicted royalty.

And Samuel was a great Prophet whose words never fell to the ground.

“As Samuel grew up, the LORD was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable.” 1 Samuel 3:19 (NLT)

It wasn’t only Samuel who nearly appointed Eliab as king of Israel. Even God considered Eliab.

“But God told Samuel, “Looks aren’t everything. Don’t be impressed with his looks and stature. I’ve already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (Message).

God eliminated Eliab because he first included him on his list.

From this background you will understand the authority of Eliab as an older brother to David and also the presence he commands through his appearance.

Well, of all his aura in his looks and stature, he was part of Israel’s army who fell back and were frightened at the appearance of Goliath.

He wouldn’t dare take a step forward to confront Goliath. Thus, Eliab was excellent in appearance but a coward at heart.

He wasn’t bold enough and passionate about the Lord’s course to show up with the Lord and stand with his leader.

There are people in the Church like Eliab.

They outwardly look attractive and anointed. They enlist to be leaders and part of God’s work. They wish to do more for the Lord and claim to know the Lord. They believe they are serving the Lord but are not willing to go the extra mile for Jesus.

On the day of adversity, they can’t show up for Jesus. When everything seems to be comfortable and all glorious, they show up in their elegance. But never will they roll up their sleeves to work.

They are like Demas; Paul said this of Demas:

“Demas has deserted me because he loves the things of this life and has gone to Thessalonica…” 2 Timothy 4:10 (NLT).

Beware of drawing inspiration from such people. They will never take a step for Jesus. They are in the Church, but are occupied with their self-interest (2 Timothy 3:2). They are only moved by convenience but not with conviction.

The slightest confrontation or attack against the Church, the Kingdom and the gospel they fall back.

They don’t truly love the things of Christ (Philippians 2:21).

Yet, they will complain when you are willing to go the extra mile or complain that you are risking your life for the spread of the gospel.

Beware of such, and avoid their pessimism.

Don’t be afraid, the Lord will bring you into success, for He works in you both to will and to do to fulfill His good pleasure and purpose.


(1 Samuel 17;  Romans 16:1-10; 2 Timothy 4:14-17; 1 Thessalonians 5:14; Matthew 16:21-23)
We pray that we shall set our eyes on Jesus as the example of faith and run the race set before us with the conviction and passion of the Lord.
Job 16 – 19
– I maintain my focus on the goal as I gaze my eyes on Jesus who is my example of faith.
– I run the race set before me with all conviction and passion of heart.
– I am not coward at heart.
– I take daring steps.
Oh thank you Lord Jesus!

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Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus!
I go the extra mile for the Lord.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I refuse to fall back from the assignment God has given me.

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

Oh thank you Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

Whatever God has inspired me to do, I don’t allow any man to discourage me not to do it.

I’m committed to the Lord’s assignment.

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

Am committed to the Lord’s assignment in the name of Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I set my eyes on Jesus as the example of faith and I run the race set before me with the conviction and passion of the Lord.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

I fix all my gaze on Jesus

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I take daring steps.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I refuse to be a coward.
The Lord can trust me with His work.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

I don’t hide in the crowd

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I run the race set before me with all conviction and passion of heart.

5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

I’m ever daring!!

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago
Reply to  Wisdom Elvis

I run my race according to the pace God has set for me

5 months ago

I understood today that Appearance is not all there is..God considers us based on our heart or burning passion for Him..

This writeup reaffirm that I run by Conviction and not Convenience and I must be an example of Faith to my world just like David.

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
5 months ago

God enlighten the eyes of our understanding to every Eliab surrounding us. We can’t afford to fail the next generation.

5 months ago

In Jesus name!!

5 months ago

I must beware of any Eliab group of people as I journey towards purpose.
I am ever daring!!

Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
5 months ago

Eliab was too afraid to show up with Gidfor fear of being killed and also refused to let his brother who was ready to show up with God to do so. In all of this, David stood his ground.
I refuse to let anything stop me from showing up with Jesus.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

My gaze is fixed on the vision of the lord

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

I move with constant velocity and maintain my focus on the goal.In the name of Jesus

Selly Amissah Ansah
Selly Amissah Ansah
5 months ago

I take daring steps for the Lord

5 months ago

hallelujah Ma

Beha Flora
Beha Flora
5 months ago

I take bold steps .

Beha Flora
Beha Flora
5 months ago

I run the race set before me with all conviction .

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
5 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for your word. glory be to God

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
5 months ago

There’s a striking statement made by Jesus in the verse 23 of Matthew 16. He said “…you are an offense unto me: for you consider not the things of God, but those that be of men”

Sometimes, just a comment by someone may shift your focus from the assignment and begin to doubt what God has said. However, with convictions cemented in the Lord, the mind becomes resolute and the heart unwavering to continue in the Lord’s righteous course.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
5 months ago

My eye is fixed on Jesus the Christ’s assignment. The assignment is done through me.

5 months ago

Thank you Jesus for this revelation

5 months ago

God works in us both to will and to fulfill his good pleasure. Hallelujah

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

Oh thank you Jesus what a blessed word
I am not coward at heart

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

Aaaah I take.daring steps for the Lord

Helina Akagbo
Helina Akagbo
5 months ago

Thank you Jesus
I go the extra mile for Jesus. Gloreeey

5 months ago

Glory to God
Today’s Machaira is really instructional, it teaches not to follow or confined in the Eliabs of our time but to fully trust in the Lord’s instructions and run with them.
Most often because of the seeming stature and status of the likes of the Eliabs we are tempted to think they are the best to listen to meanwhile they hardly take actions and therefore are not in the best position to inspire others. They also water down inspirations.
Thank you Apostle for another Spirit filled masterpiece.

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

Thank You Lord Jesus

Oliver Aziabor.
5 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus. I go the extra mile

5 months ago

I go to extra mile
I take daring steps

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
5 months ago

Glory to God

This is really beneficial for all saints in Christ to study. The likes of Eliab are many in the Church.

Often times, they are the most preferred for positions in the eyes of men. But they end up doing nothing significant. We thank God for the scriptures making us aware of the characteristics of such people.

The Lord shall help us to walk in discernment so as not to mistaken any Eliab for a David.

5 months ago

Thank you Apostle for such a revelation…words worth feasting on” Ha I get involved in what God has called me to do

Jonathan Donkor
Jonathan Donkor
5 months ago

Glory to God
There are many that looks like the real deal in appearance but at heart and in substance they are not. This episode really admonishes and instructs me concerning people like this.
For someone like Samuel to have been convinced on sight that he is the one, really tells a lot about the type Eliab. Now I know I have to take the things of the Lord serious and to be deeply rooted in the word for there is a type that can only be sieved out by being well rooted and very decerning.
Also it’s very necessary to be God cultured so as not to become an Eliab.

Thank your Apostle.

Nkrumah Charles
Nkrumah Charles
5 months ago

Excellent in appearance but coward at heart!

No, not me!

I am and I will always be an inspiration to many.

I always show up for Jesus and stand with my Pastor.

I go the extra mile.

Glory to God!!


[…] As explained in the previous episode, the character of Eliab in our study, embodies a certain group of people we must beware of as we journey towards purpose. […]

4 months ago

My relationship with God is a one-to-one affair. Therefore I’m conscious of an Eliab convincing or influencing me to do anything contrary to my conviction. Thank you Sir

Dei Edmund
Dei Edmund
4 months ago

The Machaira with Apostle Bennie is so prophetic…. Today’s Machaira is……
Thank you Jesus for your word…
I lay hold of them in the name of Jesus

Dei Edmund
Dei Edmund
4 months ago

The dig deeper scriptures are highly prophetic…
Oh Lord.. I set my eyes on the goal…. My Focus is on this assignment in the name of Jesus…

4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus! I was inspired greatly, however, two great insights kept ringing in my spirit. First is, “When they arrived, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought, “Here he is! God’s anointed!” 1 Samuel 16:6 (Message). Prophet Samuel, who had an outstanding record of undeniable accuracy in delivery divine insight and revelations missed it at JUST ONE GLANCE! Wow! That was quite intriguing and shocking for me, couldn’t stop thinking about it. Today’s episode helped me to see how men who are mightily used by God can still miss it if they don’t take heed. Second insight was the fact that God had actually considered Eliab! That came as another shock to me. This suggest to me that Eliab might had really had all the outward potentials and aura to be king yet failed God’s test of faithfulness to His course even in the face of the most adverse opposition. Holy Spirit help me become humble and stand up for your course in the name of the Lord Jesus. hallelujah

Last edited 4 months ago by Sulley
Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
4 months ago

Thank You Lord Jesus
i maintain my focus on Jesus and his set assignment before

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
4 months ago

I keep up with the little things to reach my tartget


[…] many in the Church think like Eliab. They have no sense of urgency yet have occupied great positions in the […]

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
4 months ago

I refuse to like Eliab
I don’t draw back in times of assignment and work but I’m fully involved with sleeves folded always to get the Job done


[…] – David could have defeated Goliath. Yet with God, he defeated Goliath. […]

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