Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Salvation and Soul-Winning, The Church



The Love-Life Agency

Tuesday 14th, May 2024



“Master,” said David, “don’t give up hope. I’m ready to go and fight this Philistine.”

1 Samuel 17:32 (The Message)

Whatever God wants to do in time, He does it through a people He has called out and sent.

Though Jesus is the head of the Church, He has also raised leaders, or shepherds to the Churches for the administration of His word and His purpose.

The will and counsel of God are established in this world through His Church. And by His eternal counsel and wisdom, He has set leaders or shepherds (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers), to equip, instruct and guide the saints to work and achieve God’s goal.

The adversary attacks leaders of the various churches or ministries to disturb the work of God. He also uses cunning means to distract the focus and interest of the believers. He drifts them away from the Lord’s assignment to their personal ambitions.

Some have conformed their minds to the ideas, cultures and systems of this world. Others have gradually lost their confidence and zeal in the Lord.

They find it difficult to show up for Jesus and stand with their leaders in the work of the ministry. They make excuses whenever they have to take up responsibility in the Church.

They are gradually drawing back from getting involved in the war for souls.

The bold step David took to confront Goliath is an example of faith for every believer in Christ.

Many are within the Church but will hardly take a stand for the Church amid opposition.

In this post-modern era of social media, there is the abuse of freedom of speech and most people have cheaply become influencers. And they use their platforms to bastardize the glorious Church of Jesus.

Everyone is throwing a jab at the Church and making the Church the focus of their attacks. Even believers who are in the Church, have subtly turned against the Church.

Many have also become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, scoffers of God and pursue their own interests, as Paul mentioned in his letter to Timothy.

“For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.” 2 Timothy 3:2 (NLT).

People who love themselves cannot stand with God or show up with Jesus. They are not available for the Kingdom assignment.

Only a few believers are ready to go all out for Jesus.

They become frightened and feel hopeless at the slightest confrontation.

They are like Saul’s army:

“The Israelites, to a man, fell back the moment they saw the giant—totally frightened…” 1 Samuel 17:24 (Message)

Are you part of those who fall back and are frightened by the opposition of this world?

Or you are part of those who show up with Jesus in all places?

Are you an encouragement to your Pastor?

Can your Church leader set gospel outreach goals with you standing with him or her?

Are you controlled by the systems of this world or you are shining forth the light of the gospel?

Among the army of Israel were the senior brothers of David, who were trained for war; yet, they hid themselves in the camp or within the lines on the battlefield. They were not able to step forward or take a stand for the Lord.

Are you hiding among the crowds like the other brothers of David?
Or you are ready to stand out like David?

Can your Pastor or Leader share this testimony about you:

“There is no one like Timothy. What sets him apart from others is his deep concern for you and your spiritual journey. This is rare, my friends, for most people only care about themselves, not about what is dear to the heart of Jesus the Anointed. You know Timothy is genuine in the Lord’s ways. He has been a faithful partner to me as we express the good news, as much as my own flesh and blood would have been.” Philippians 2:20-22 (Voice)

Are you labouring with your leader in the gospel like Timothy did with Paul?

This is the time to SHOW UP WITH JESUS and STAND WITH YOUR PASTOR, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.


(1 Samuel 17; Jeremiah 1:8-9; 51:20-23; Philippians 4:7-18; Romans 16:1-10)
We pray that we shall increase in grace, wisdom, strength and zeal to stand and labour with our leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places.
Job 8 – 11

– I increase in grace, wisdom, strength an zeal to stand and labour with my leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places.

– I show up everywhere with the confidence of God.

– Through me, many are turning from darkness to light.

– I am a burden bearer.
– I am a son of consolation.
– I am an encouragement to my Pastor and leaders.

– I am a helper of the war.

Oh thank you Lord Jesus for enabling me.

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Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
4 months ago

Thank you Jesus for enabling me to be a helper of war. I am a helper of the war.I am a son of consolation.I have the grace and wisdom to be a burden bearer to my man of God and leaders.

4 months ago

O thank you Jesus for enabling me, am useful in the hands of my shepherd. I am a helper of this war

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
4 months ago
Reply to  Bernard

Oh I am useful in the hands of my Shepherd

4 months ago

I increase in grace, wisdom, strength an zeal to stand and labour with my leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places in the name of Jesus

4 months ago

I am a helper of the war
I am an encouragement to others

Ankrah Manu Emmanuel
Ankrah Manu Emmanuel
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me the grace to carry burdens and to labour for the kingdom advancement.

Nana Yaa
Nana Yaa
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for counting me faithful to be part of what you are doing.

I am a burden bearer and SHOW UP WITH JESUS and STAND WITH MY PASTOR AND LEADERS, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

I stand out for the course of the gospel

4 months ago

Thank you Apostle Benny for today’s machaira.
So I have reading the dig deeper scriptures one thing that I realized was that there’s always a burden and a need and the lord has prepared men to take off such burdens but until these men take the bold steps and decide to be the load bearers it will just be mere words.
So reading the scripture 1 Samuel 17, I realized the Lord had already declared the victory of Israel but he needed a man to take a bold step and take up the challenge. He didn’t need a skillful man but all he needed was a man with a ready heart, a man who will stand with him. He needed a man who will not look at how huge, tall or great and mighty the philistian looked and David availed himself.

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
4 months ago

I am an encouragement to my pastor and leaders

Bless Adekpe
Bless Adekpe
4 months ago

I grow into the full stature of my calling
I stand with my Pastor just like the way Timothy stood with the Apostle Paul

4 months ago

I decide to be a helper of the war. I am that bold one that takes that giant step.
I am that son of consolation. Thank you lord Jesus. I step into my place

4 months ago

Apostle please I want to ask this question. So looking at King David for example, I understood the lord wasn’t just protecting him from the bears and lions but was preparing him for a days as that where he would have to defeat the philistines, so my question is there is a preparation stage and there is a time probably the preparation is over you will have to take action, when and how do you know it is time for me to step up now and take that bold step? Because in the time where you will be expected to take that giant step, it looked too huge than your preparation and you will feel you are not ready for this?
Thank you

Grace Eshun
Grace Eshun
4 months ago
Reply to  Lilian

Thank you Apostle Sir for the opportunity

Yes please dear ..there is a preparation stage in every believers life ..
From the day you accept Jesus As your saviour to the time you meet him in Glory
The step you takes launched into other …( God was preparing David in the wilderness when he was defeating bear and lion for the sake of his flocks , he didn’t know there was battle ahead like killing human for the Lord.) .. it might seem gaint and you might feel you are not prepared enough but when you finish taking and conquered it you will know that you are well prepared..

David killed just Goliath but he Praised of killing ten_thousand ( can you imagine)
And it’s the step we take for the Lord and in the Lord that prooves how far we gone with him all based on the instructions and assignments we take from our Pastors ..

Thank you Ma…

I hope this helps ????

4 months ago
Reply to  Grace Eshun

Yes ma. Thank you very much

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for enabling me to be a helper of the war.

Jonathan Donkor
Jonathan Donkor
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus.

The adversary through his schemes is trying everything possible to cause the corporate church not to function efficiently.
How come his brothers, though trained for war yet none could step up and then there is the mighty men of David who achieved incredible feats. I believe if the mighty men of David were around as at then, there would have been more than a person ready to take on Goliath because they were all like-minded( David cultured them with his mind set).
Who is put charge over you matters.
If we all would come to the place of single mindedness with our set man, we would be unstoppable.
Thank you Lord for the ministry and for the life of Apostle Bennie.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
4 months ago

Hallelujah !!!!!

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
4 months ago

I show up with My Lord Jesus!!

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
4 months ago

I stand with my Pastor ( Apostle Bennie).

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
4 months ago

There’s something I realised when reading Romans 16. I could see both Males and females who stood with Paul, the Apostle in His ministry. Faithfuls like Phoebe, Aquila, Tryphena , Prisca and many more laboured to help him. Upon extending his greetings to them in his letter to the philippians, he made one remarkable remarks “men who have risked their necks for me” . This is exactly what is lacking today. That members will risk their necks for the church and their Pastor .

However, I believe the Lord is a master strategist. He can’t afford to lose. He will make sure His assignment is done.

I rise to build together with my Pastor.

Lindiwe Esenam
Lindiwe Esenam
4 months ago

‭I Samuel 17:28-29 NKJV‬
[28] Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eliab’s anger was aroused against David, and he said, “Why did you come down here? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle.” [29] And David said, “What have I done now? Is there not a cause?”

Most Christians behave like Eliab by disdaining other Christians when they stand to reveal the revelatory message of Christ while they just sit back and do nothing but David let nothing move him because he stood with God. I behave like David and I show up with Jesus ans stand up with my Pastor.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus.I take a stand with my pastor and leaders to diffuse the good news of Jesus to the world.

4 months ago

I take a stand for Jesus and stand with my Pastor to favour God’s righteous cause

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
4 months ago

I labour with my leader. I stand up with Jesus Christ .. I am involved in every assignment giving by my leader. .

The gospel prosper through me.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

I am ready to go…

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
4 months ago
Reply to  Diana Aline

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ…

More grace to do, ooooh Lord Jesus Christ.

Nkrumah Charles
Nkrumah Charles
4 months ago

For the advancement of the gospel, I show up with Jesus and stand with my Pastor.

I don’t love myself. I give myself to the Lord and stand with my Pastor.

For those who love themselves cannot show up with Jesus or stand for the Lord.

I stand for the Lord at all times.

I serve with my Pastor in the gospel.

I stand faithful with the Lord and my Pastor from now till the end.

Thank you Lord Jesus!!!

4 months ago

I take a stand for the gospel with my leader. I am a son of consolation

Selasie Emmanuel
Selasie Emmanuel
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you Lord for enabling me with the grace, wisdom, strength and zeal to stand up for you and stand up for the Gospel with my man of God and my leaders in the Faith. Thank you Sir.

4 months ago

Oh how I burn with passion for the
advancement of the Kingdom of Apostle Paul who said ” my heart desire is to see that Israel is saved for they have the zeal of God but not according to knowledge”..
What a Passion!!

4 months ago

This is the time to SHOW UP WITH JESUS and STAND WITH YOUR PASTOR, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Oh Jesus…I labour with my leader in the Gospel..

4 months ago

Thank you Jesus, I dont drawback, I am bold and confident about this reality! I am a comfort to my Pastor

Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
4 months ago

We must strive to be a focal point of reference for generations to come when faithfulness is mentioned. Just like the people in Romans 16, you could see the brevity and the understanding heart with which they showed up and stood with their leader in the course of the ministry.

If all Christians will understand that we are the Lord’s, “war club” as Jeremiah 51:20 puts it and run with it, we shall see much victory for the kingdom.

This is my disposition: I show up for Jesus and stand with my leaders.

4 months ago

I have come to the understanding that to be a burden bearer or a helper of the war, your past victories in the Lord should cause you to press on and not rather lag behind. Those victories prepare you for the bigger assignments, they become your credentials to take up bigger assignments.
If you don’t show up with Jesus, you can’t stand up with your Pastor/leaders. There were trained men on the battle field but because they did not show up with Jesus they were sore afraid to even make a move even with all the armory. All the people the Apostle acknowledged in Romans had the tag “in the Lord/ in Christ”.

4 months ago

Thank you Lord for another opportunity to fellowship with your glorious word through the Machaira. Lessons from 1 Samuel 17 are overwhelmingly great-the balance of home responsibilities and ministry, the shameless persistence of David amidst all opposing forces, David’s constant obedience to his father’s instructions leading him to his God-given assignment, and the honour and glory that comes to one’s household as a result of going all out for God. Another intruding truth of Scripture was how Paul the Apostle, amidst the stalwart labourers listed in Romans 16, yet singled out Timothy, whom Paul described as ” I have no man like-minded as Timothy”. The Voice translation reads him as ” a man genuine in the ways of God”. God’s VIP of a man! A good take-home for me. Hallelujah!

Last edited 4 months ago by Sulley
Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
4 months ago

Thank you Jesus. I show up for the war because the Lord has enabled me
I don’t relent

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
4 months ago

Glory to God my leader can count on me as a helper

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I refuse to draw back from getting involved in the war for souls.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I go all out for Jesus.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I refuse to fall back and be frightened by the opposition of this world.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I show up with Jesus in all places. Hallelujah!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I’m not controlled by the systems of this world.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I shine forth the light of the gospel in every place.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I SHOW UP WITH JESUS and STAND WITH MY PASTOR, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I increase in grace, wisdom, strength and zeal to stand and labour with my leaders in the spread of the gospel of Jesus in all places.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I show up everywhere with the confidence of God

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I am a burden bearer.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I am an encouragement to my Pastor and leaders.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I am a son of consolation.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
4 months ago

I am a helper of the war.

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus the Christ…

I Am involved with my leader.

Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
4 months ago

I show up with Jesus and I stand up with my Pastor to advance the kingdom
Glory to God!

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