Armor of God, Faith, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Friday 10th, May 2024


“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

Ephesians 6:16 (KJV)

Don’t take up your shield of faith once in a while or only when you sense an attack of the enemy.

Take up the shield of faith at all times.

The adversary is not backing out on launching his attacks at you.

He doesn’t want to see you fulfill your mandate in the Lord.
He doesn’t want you to be a blessing to your generation.
He doesn’t want to see the shining forth of the light of God in you.

He doesn’t want you to be a city set on a hill. He wants you to be a desolate city.

Apart from launching fiery darts of bitterness, rage and unforgiveness, he also attacks you with arrows of doubts and feelings of discouragement or despair.

The devil chooses his weapons with the cunning skill of a war tactician.

He doesn’t rush his methods. He carefully and patiently chooses his spiritual arsenals.

The adversary knows feelings are inevitable. How you feel what you feel is according to the culturing of your emotions. Your emotions are designed by God to help you to be prompt, to connect and to experience your world.

It is to serve as gauges to help you interpret your experiences. Your emotions are not to serve as a guide but to provide reports of your environment so that you can willingly make inspired decisions.

Your emotions can be educated or nurtured to become instruments of faith.

Though faith is not a feeling, faith can nurture how you feel to help aid you act out God’s word. Your emotions or how you feel, can be according to the deep impressions in your heart. But faith is deeper, richer and stronger than your emotions. Faith is the deepest conviction, consciousness and courage in the word of God.

When your emotions are not nurtured to submit to Faith, they can become familiar spiritual projectiles of the devil.

This is when the feelings of guilt, desperation, anxiety, disappointments, discouragement or despair begin to thrive. These feelings are fearsome arrows against the fulfilment of your calling. These feelings are the mother of suicidal thoughts.

No discouraged heart can make a difference in this world.

Don’t take it lightly, when you feel discouraged at any time towards the good course of the Lord. No matter the reason you have to justify your discouragement, you have to intercept it with faith.

True faith is your ability to remain resolute and firmly rooted in the revelation of God’s word, no matter the negative fleeting spark of emotions.

No matter the darts the enemy will launch at you, know that they can be quenched. You have the shield of faith.

To take up the shield of faith is to exercise confidence in the word of God, rather than in the negative voices of discouragement.

The Psalmist in a discouraged state, did not hold back. He did not allow himself to be overwhelmed by his situation.

He showed us how we have to shake ourselves out of discouraged moments.

“Their wounding words pierce my heart over and over while they say, “Where is this God of yours?” So I say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be disturbed. For I know my God will break through for me.” Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again. Yes, living before his face is my saving grace!” Psalm 42:10-11 (TPT)

When you live every day with your heart focused on the ability of God, you cannot live in discouragement.

Don’t look at yourself and what you are not able to do. Look more unto Jesus, see His grace and ability. The Lord didn’t start with you to leave you to fail.

Sometimes, it will feel as though you have done so much and nothing seems to work. This sends waves of discouragement through your heart, and makes you chilled to the bone about the future.

Beloved, refuse to be weary and don’t stop being a blessing to others.

See this;

“And don’t allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming! Take advantage of every opportunity to be a blessing to others, especially to our brothers and sisters in the family of faith!” Galatians 6:9-10 (TPT)

Put on the Armor of God! Take up the shield of faith.


(2 Corinthians 1:3-4; 1 Peter 5:7; Joshua 1:9; Isaiah 45:24; Isaiah 41:11)

1. We pray that the Lord, who is the author of our faith, will replenish our joy, strengthen our faith, and keep us strong in Himself, amidst all the winds of discouragement.

2. We pray that our hearts will remain firm in the word and draw waters of encouragement as we live daily to exercise our victory in Christ Jesus.

Esther 4 – 6
– I take up the shield of faith at all times.
– My heart is focused daily on the ability of God.
– I do not live in discouragement.
– I am a blessing to others.
– I have absolute confidence in the word of God.

– I stay my mind and heart on the word of God.

– I refuse to look away from the word.

Thank you Lord Jesus!!!

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Vincent Mensah
Vincent Mensah
5 months ago


I immune myself from discouragement by setting my eyes daily on the Lord through His Word. I love how David puts it, “living before His face is my saving grace”

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

Oh thank you Lord Jesus.I nurture my emotions to yield to WORD.

Adevu Prince
Adevu Prince
5 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for unraveling the arsenals of the adversary through our Man of God.I am on guard.I shield up!

5 months ago

LORD, thank you that you are my Hope, Joy my Song and Strength in the midst of discouragements and challenges..
I shield up!
I behold the Lord!

5 months ago

Discouragements has been disarmed from my Life..
I behold the Glorious and wondrous ability of Jesus.

5 months ago
Reply to  Francis

In the name of Jesus

5 months ago

I have a Strong and unflinching Faith..
My Confidence is in You my LORD JESUS..

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
5 months ago

Oh wow.What a beautiful episode!

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
5 months ago

I live everyday with my heart focused on God’s word.
Thank u Jesus

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
5 months ago

I live everyday with my mind and heart stayed on God’s word. Glory to God!

Claudia Muange
Claudia Muange
5 months ago

I don’t live in discouragement!I take up the shield of faith!

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
5 months ago

Thank you Apostle for such a deep spirit- inked word.

No room for discouragement!

No vocabulary of getting weary!!!

The armor is on at at times!!!

Glory to God!!!!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Emmanuel Opoku
Pascal Ayedzi
Pascal Ayedzi
5 months ago

No discouraged heart can make a difference in this world..

Hahaha… I am immune to discouragement.. I don’t Only take up the shield of faith in times of trouble, I take up the shield of faith daily… Thank you sweet spirit for your abilities at work in me..

Glory to God

Pascal Ayedzi
Pascal Ayedzi
5 months ago

No discouraged heart can make a difference in this world..

Hahaha… I am immune to discouragement.. I don’t Only take up the shield of faith in times of trouble, I take up pthe shield of faith daily… Thank you sweet spirit for your abilities at work in me..

Glory to God

5 months ago

So refreshing: am encouraged by the lord and I draw waters of encouragement daily from the word

Diana Aline
Diana Aline
5 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for your word.

God bless you more Apostle Sir.

Selasie Emmanuel
Selasie Emmanuel
5 months ago

Glory to God. I encourage myself in the Lord at all times. I channel and focus my emotions on the Word always. I don’t give room for discouragement. Hallelujah!!!
Thank you Sir.

5 months ago

I refuse to look away from the word. Oh Thank you Jesus

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I take up my shield of faith at all times !

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I refuse to have a discouraged heart

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I intercept my discouragement with faith!

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

Living before the face of the Lord is my saving grace !

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I Look unto Jesus, who is the author and finisher of my faith

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I refuse to be weary !
I don’t stop being a blessing to others

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
5 months ago

I am encouraged by the Lord

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

I fixed my eyes on Jesus

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

I fixed my eyes on Jesus
My mind is stayed on Him

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

Thank You Lord Jesus.
I am encouraged

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
5 months ago

I don’t stop here.
I cast not my confidence in the word away

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
5 months ago

I refuse to allow myself to be controlled by my emotions

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
5 months ago

I listen to only one instinct alone which is faith and this is hewn our if God’s word

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
5 months ago

I remain firm and fixed in the revelation of Jesus amidst the negative pressure

Josephine Fianu
Josephine Fianu
5 months ago

True faith is your ability to remain resolute and firmly rooted in the revelation of God’s word, no matter the negative fleeting spark of emotions. Glory to God

5 months ago

The Lord didn’t start with me to leave me to fail.

I put on the Armour of God

5 months ago

I refuse to l

5 months ago
Reply to  Edith

I refuse to look away from the word

5 months ago

I take up the shield of faith at all times

5 months ago

Hey the adversary can not stop me from been a blessing to my generation

5 months ago

Oh I refuse to be weary
I refuse to be discouraged and disheartened

5 months ago

Isa.41.11 “Behold, all those who were incensed against you Shall be ashamed and disgraced; They shall
be as nothing, And those who strive with you shall perish. (NKJV)
Glory to God

Dr. Elvis Twumasi
Dr. Elvis Twumasi
5 months ago

I consistently exercise confidence in the word of God. I refuse to be discouraged. I go about doing good all the days of my life

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
5 months ago

I Submit my emotions To the Faith of Christ
I repose absolute confidence in the Sure Word

Benjamin okyere
Benjamin okyere
5 months ago

Thank you Jesus I make being a blessing to many my focus not my flaws

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
5 months ago

In the name of Jesus. The Lord is the author of my faith, He will replenish my joy, strengthen my faith, and keep me strong in Himself, amidst all the winds of discouragement.

My heart will remain firm in the word and draw waters of encouragement as I daily live to exercise my victory in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah

Nkrumah Charles
Nkrumah Charles
5 months ago

I shield up always against the fearsome arrows of the adversary.

The way out of fear and discourage is to put on the shield of faith.

I put on always, the shield of faith by CONSISTENTLY exercising my confidence the word of the Lord.

I don’t look at the past failures which can bring voices of discouragements, I look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of my faith.

He shield up against every weapon of fear and discouragement.

I follow His, example. Always exercising my confidence in what God has said.

That you so much Apostle.



[…] have seen that unforgiveness, bitterness and discouragement are part of the poisonous arrows of the […]

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I take up the shield of faith at all times.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I refuse to be a desolate city.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

Faith is the deepest conviction, consciousness and courage in the word of God.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

My emotions submit to faith.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I refuse to be discouraged!

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
5 months ago

I refuse to be broken.

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