The Love-Life Agency
“For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.”
Psalm 69:9 (KJV)
Beloved, your zeal defines the intensity by which you handle Kingdom responsibilities.
From yesterday, we noticed that the Lord Himself performs His plans according to His zeal.
I also gave a more detailed explanation of what Zeal is; however, zeal is basically a strong burning or boiling passion.
Your zeal towards God’s work is intensified when you train yourself to commune with the Lord and to immerse your emotions, will and mind in the Lord.
You cannot be effective in your service of the Kingdom without the zeal of the Lord.
“Be enthusiastic to serve the Lord, keeping your passion toward Him boiling hot! Radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit and let Him fill you with excitement as you serve Him”. Romans 12:11 (TPT)
The level at which you are immersed in the zeal of the Lord will determine how you pursue the excellence of God’s will.
There is a way God wants His work to be done. When your heart is boiling with the passion to see Kingdom success, you cannot entertain complacency.
There are some who think they don’t have burning passion or zeal for anything at all.
That’s not really true.
Everyone has a zeal for something.
There is no one without zeal.
Some have zeal towards someone they want to marry. Others have a zeal towards drugs. Some have an unquenchable zeal towards the football club they support.
Some have zeal towards the religious group they belong.
People can zealously kill for something.
Zeal is the boiling passion within a man’s heart. Zeal in itself doesn’t know what is right or wrong.
Zeal gravitates towards the interest or focus of your heart.
Paul persecuted the Church because of his assumed zeal for God and the Jewish traditions. He didn’t know he was using his zeal to persecute God’s people. (Philippians 3:6).
There are people who are zealous towards their family interests, academic interests, and the interests of their company and care little about the Kingdom of God.
Is it wrong to genuinely care for your family, academic and company interests?
Certainly not.
However, as one who is in the Kingdom, the interest of the Kingdom must come first. Your zeal must gravitate towards the refulgence and spreading of the Kingdom.
What can you sacrifice for the Kingdom of God?
When your zeal burns towards the growth and excellence of the Kingdom, you will not be complacent in any way. You will not procrastinate, neither will you sit on the fence. You will take initiatives. The zeal of the Lord will drive you not to only have a sense of responsibility, but to take responsibility.
When the Jews had lost their sense of zeal towards the purpose of the temple, they allowed the temple to become a religious shopping mall instead of what it was meant for.
“As he went into the temple courtyard, he noticed it was filled with merchants selling oxen, lambs, and doves for exorbitant prices, while others were overcharging as they exchanged currency behind their counters. So Jesus found some rope and made it into a whip. Then he drove out every one of them and their animals from the courtyard of the temple, and he kicked over their tables filled with money, scattering it everywhere! And he shouted at the merchants, “Get these things out of here! Don’t you dare make my Father’s house into a center for merchandise!” That’s when his disciples remembered the Scripture: “I am consumed with a fiery passion to keep your house pure!” John 2:14-17 (TPT).
The Jewish leaders didn’t care what was done with the temple. They were complacent to see to the fulfilment of the purpose of God. However, Jesus felt otherwise.
He couldn’t stand to watch the corruption of the purpose of the temple.
He had a burning passion for God’s house. He was ready to put His life on the line just to enforce the will of God.
Culture your heart to burn with zeal towards God’s assignment.
You remain blessed.
I culture my heart to burn toward the things of the kingdom.my zeal is strong toward the things GOD
It’s a matter of culturing
Thank you Sir
Glory to God I set my heart burning for the kingdom of God
Its an intentional habit
I Set My Heart Ablaze For The Lord’s Assignment…
Because we love the Lord
Thank You Lord
Glorrrreeeeeyyyyyy to GOD
I culture my heart to burn with zeal towards the work of the Lord.
I burn!!!
I channel my zeal unto the interest of the kingdom
I cultivate my heart to burn with Zeal towards God’s assignment…
Blessed be God
I culture my heart to desire the Lord more and more daily through my communion with Him, setting my heart on Him. Thank you Sir.
I am zealous about the things of God
Thank you Lord Jesus
I culture my heart to burn with zeal towards God’s assignment.
Thank you Lord JESUS
My zeal gravitate towards the refulgence and spreading of the Kingdom.
When your zeal burns towards the growth and excellence of the kingdom…
I set my affection on the Lord and His vision
I set my desires right
My zeal is not scattered. It is towards the expansion of God’s Kingdom
Hallelujah. towards Kingdom advancement
My level of zeal for God determines how I pursue the excellence of God’s will.
I Increace in my level of zeal through communing with the Holy Spirit
My zeal is channelled unto the advancement of the Kingdom of God firstly…and others follows
Thank you Lord JESUS.
My zeal towards God’s work is intensified when I train myself to commune with the Lord and to immerse my emotions, will and mind in the Lord.
I’m very intentional about this matter
I seek the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness firstly before any other matter…
And that is where my zeal is focused on.
Matthew 6:33 is my reality
Matt.6.33 and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. (NLT)
I intentionally culture my heart to burn with zeal towards God’s assignment.
Am intentional
My emotions, mind and heart are are focused on the LORD JESUS and his mandate.
Glory to God
I channel zeal right
I give it the right right direction.
I culture my heart to burn with the zeal of God
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
I train my zeal towards the things of God
The Word of God is what my heart longs for