Beholding Jesus, Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Friday 3rd November, 2023


“If we say we are his, we must follow the example of Christ” 

1 John 2:6 (CEV)

Our Lord Jesus is the true example or model of our Faith.
As I mentioned earlier, our ultimate pattern of life is Jesus. 
We don’t have to follow the examples of the world. They have no substance in life, they are godless and have no hope.
This is the word the Lord gave to the Israelites:
“Listen to the Message that God is sending your way, House of Israel. Listen most carefully:
“Don’t take the godless nations as your models. Don’t be impressed by their glamour and glitz, Jeremiah 10:1 (MSG)
You don’t have to look up to the world; since you are seated with our Lord Jesus Christ far above this world, look unto Him.
When you came into Christ, He gave you new terms which are of life. The world operates on different terms, which are not designed for your benefit. Everything this godless world has designed is to oppose the gracious transformative course of Christ. 
“If you find the godless world is hating you, remember it got its start hating me. If you lived on the world’s terms, the world would love you as one of its own. But since I picked you to live on God’s terms and no longer on the world’s terms, the world is going to hate you” John 15:18-19 (MSG)
When you are in Christ, know that the godless world hates you. Therefore don’t model your life after their systems and structures.
The people of the world cannot teach you the love of God. The world cannot teach you how to give and serve in the Kingdom of God. They lack understanding and are blinded by the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).
How can you make a blinded generation who is not of your Kingdom teach you how to operate in the Kingdom you belong to?
You have the mandate “to open their [spiritual] eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness and release from their sins and enjoy an inheritance in Christ” (Acts 26:18).
The reality is that as Jesus is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17).
And so when you are confused about your true identity, DON’T LOOK AT THE WORLD. Your true identity is CHRIST.
Therefore you must look unto Jesus who is the author of our Faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
The New American Standard Bible says:
“looking only at Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:2).
Don’t look at others or the world. Look only at Jesus. Whoever leads you must express or reveal Christ to you. 
He is the Heavenly Pattern; the express image of the Father.
The more you behold Him, the more you metamorphose into who He is in your daily living. (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Now you don’t struggle to love because as you see and understand His love, you replicate it. As he has forgiven, we forgive. As He healed and went about doing good, even so, we heal others and go about doing good.
He is our ultimate example; our superior template.
(John 17:20; 1 Peter 2:21; John 13:15; Matthew 11:29)
That our hearts will move away from all distractions and focus on the Lord only who is the ultimate pattern of our faith.
Ezekiel 1 – 4
Ephesians 1- 2

– I behold Jesus, the express image of God.

– I walk in the consciousness of His life in me.

– I refuse to live as the world.

– Christ is my example

– He is my heavenly pattern. And my life is lived according to His pattern.

– I don’t assume, I live according to the example and excellence of Jesus.

Oh Hallelujah!!

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Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
10 months ago

This is the reason why i cannot allow my life to be mentored or trained by the so called superstars of this world

Simon Dotse
Simon Dotse
10 months ago

Thank You Lord For This Truth. My LIfe Is Patterned by the word of God

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
10 months ago

Thank you Jesus.
The answer to identity crisis is to look at Jesus Christ. He is our true identity

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
10 months ago

As He is so we are.
Christ is my example and I model my life after him.
As I behold Him I become more like Him. He increases while I decrease.
As He is so am I.

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
9 months ago
Reply to  Belinda Teye

In the name of Jesus

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
10 months ago

I look only at Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith
Thank you My Lord Jesus

Dei Edmund
Dei Edmund
10 months ago

Oh my my, Jesus Christ is my Model, I refuse to let the glamour of the world pull me away from my source(God).

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
10 months ago

I behold Jesus, the express image of God.

Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
10 months ago

I walk in the consciousness of His life in me.
I don’t follow the structures of this world

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
10 months ago

Looking unto Jesus …. oushh

Akporhor Cynthia
Akporhor Cynthia
9 months ago

Christ is my example. I live by his example, He is my heavenly pattern. And my life is lived according to His pattern.

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