Machaira with Apostle Bennie, Spiritual Growth, The Church, The word of God



The Love-Life Agency

Saturday 9th, September, 2023


“Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head. 

Ephesians 4:15 (GNT)

You must take interest in your growth in Christ.
Take responsibility of your growth; make practical and effective use of the gracious things the Lord has supplied to you.
You have the Holy Spirit as your HELPER. You are given shepherds to train, build and equip you through God’s Word in your ‘Local Church’.
How are you taking advantage of the sound teachings and trainings to grow?
If you are struggling to pray, you are not growing in the Lord. Your consistency in prayer contributes to your spiritual maturity.
Are you dull of hearing the Word of God? Do you need to be reminded every time to read and study the Bible daily? 
You have interest in surfing social media pages and entertainment than making time to listen to the teaching of the Word. 
You easily feel lazy and procrastinate when it comes to your spiritual development in Christ?
When these things persist  you must know you are gradually having growth deficiency. It will then become difficult for you to make tangible impact in your world. Your level of impact is dependent on your level of maturity.
The greatest evidence of your growth in Christ is how you practice and express the love of Christ (1 Corinthians 13:13).
Understand this, you were given the ability to love, the moment you received the Holy Spirit. For the Love of God is shared abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5).
You grow more and more in the practice and expression of love as you grow in the knowledge of Christ.
The more you see Christ, the more you behold His love and get rooted and grounded in His love.
The burning flames of His love becomes the intention and the administration of your study of the word and the consistency of your prayers.
You begin to relate or commune with the saints and become gracious to others because of the workings of the love of Christ within you.
(Ephesians 3:16-18; 2 Peter 3:18; 2 Peter 1:8; Hebrews 5:12-13; 1 Peter 2:2; Galatians 4:1)
– That we will grow more and more in the practice of the expression of love as we grow in the knowledge of Christ.
Day 214:
Psalm 123-125
John 3
– I take heed to every instruction and training.
– I am not dull in hearing the word of God.
– I make time daily to fellowship with the scriptures.
– I don’t lazy about my spiritual development.
– I don’t trivialize my fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
– I demonstrate the love of Christ in all things.
Oh Hallelujah!!! Glory to God!!

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Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
1 year ago

My level of impact is dependent on my level of maturity.
I take intentional steps daily to mature

Amoah Eyram
1 year ago

I take responsibility in my growth with God
The Holy Spirit is my helper
Im not deficient in my Spiritual growth
The burning flames of the Love of God is my intention

Prince Semanu
Prince Semanu
1 year ago

Ow how Growth is important…. Thank You Apostle Bennie Sir for bringing me deep understanding.

Juliet Yeboah Appiah
Juliet Yeboah Appiah
1 year ago

I grow more and more in the practice of expression of love. I don’t joke with the fellowshiping of scriptures . My fellowship with the Holy Spirit is important to me. Glory to God

Belinda Teye
Belinda Teye
1 year ago

I take interest in my growth in Christ
I don’t take my spirituality for granted
Ohhh the love of God is so much shed aboard in my heart by the Holy Ghost

Linda Teye
Linda Teye
1 year ago

I take interest in my growth in Christ
I have the ability to Love
I demonstrate the Love of Christ in all things

Setsoafia Christine
1 year ago

I take heed to every instruction and training.
– I am not dull in hearing the word of God.

1 year ago

Glory to Jesus

1 year ago

Glory to God

I grow unto maturity

I make time for the Word and Prayer

I take advantage of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Daniel F. Agbosu
Daniel F. Agbosu
1 year ago

Glory to God. Growth is intentional and is evident in demonstrations of Love and Grace to the saints. I decide to not have stunted growth

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago


I get my root deep in the Lord.

Wisdom Elvis
Wisdom Elvis
1 year ago

Thank you Jesus. I grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 year ago

His Love is the Focus of all my habits

1 year ago

I grow in the Love of Christ by growing in the Knowledge of the WORD

1 year ago

Holy Spirit is my friend, my helper,
I take advantage of my partnership with the LORD to grow

1 year ago

My level of impact is dependent on my level of maturity
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Apostle Bennie

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