Machaira with Apostle Bennie



The Love-Life Agency

Tuesday 4th July, 2023


” The people then cried out to Moses; and Moses prayed to the LORD…” Numbers 11:2 (New American Standard Bible)
As the light of the world, the Lord has called you and sent you to give direction and meaning to lives.
As New Creation in Christ, you have the mandate to lead your generation. You are called and chosen by God to lead many into purpose.
The first step in fulfilling the assignment of leadership, is to entrust the assignment to God.
The core element of every leader’s assignment is people. Every leader is sent out by God to provide answers to the people, irrespective of their condition or needs.
However, kingdom leaders are sent men, and are not to be GOD to the people. Leaders must therefore see themselves as intercessors.
You shape the destinies of people by first praying to the One who has


Whenever the people of Israel turned away from God, or blamed Moses for their condition (instead of taking responsibility for their fears and anxiety); Moses’ reaction was to intercede for the people.
Moses didn’t lead the people of Israel by his own strength. He led Israel through the power of Intercession.
To intercede is to commit the burdens of your community, or the institution of people you are leading to God.
The adversary sought to destroy lives and destinies, and your strategy is to go into prayer of intercession and also take up intercessory projects which shall help shape the lives entrusted to you.
Jesus said:
” And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” Luke 22:31-32 (KJV).
As a leader, instead of complaining, you stand in the gap for the people entrusted to you by the Lord.
To lead your generation, is not to lord yourself over them, but to serve. And the first step you have to take in the service of others is to intercede for them




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(Matthew 5:13-16; Numbers 21:7; Numbers 11:1-2; Romans 1:8-10; 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3; Philippians 1:3-4)
– That we will continually stand in the gap for the people the Lord has entrusted to us.
DAY 151: Nehemiah 1-2
– I have been called and chosen by God to lead many into purpose.
– I don’t complain about the people the Lord has entrusted to me, rather I intercede for them.
– I serve my generation first through intercession.
– I don’t lead by my own strength, I lead by the strength of the Lord.
– Through my intercession for the people the Lord has entrusted to me, their lives are directed and shaped unto purpose.
– I am an intercessor.
Oh Hallelujah, Gloreeeey!!!

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1 year ago

I serve my generation first through intercession
I lead by the strength of the Lord
I am a global icon

Andrews Kofi Sarpong
Andrews Kofi Sarpong
1 year ago

Thank you sweet Jesus for calling me out and sending me to give a direction and meaning to lives.
I lead people under me by the power of intercession.
I entrust them to God.

Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago

The terms ‘development’ and ‘fidelity’ are examples of what the philosopher WB Gallie has called ‘essentially controversial concepts’. These concepts are difficult to define as they are contested by different groups with different values ​​and interests. In contrast to these concepts, others are “well defined” and have clear criteria for their application. In this essay, I will examine the value of fundamentally questionable concepts such as development and fidelity, and how they differ from well-defined concepts. Let us first consider the term “development”. It is a term used in various contexts, from economic development to personal development. The controversial nature of this concept stems from the fact that different groups have different ideas about what constitutes development. For some, development can mean economic growth and greater prosperity, while for others it can mean a more equitable and equitable distribution of resources. The value of this inherently controversial concept lies in its ability to spark debate and discussion about what we as a society should be looking for. By participating in these debates, we can better understand what we mean by development and how we can work towards it. The term “loyalty” can also be fundamentally questioned. Loyalty is often used in the context of relationships, where it refers to faithfulness or loyalty. However, what constitutes loyalty can vary greatly depending on the cultural and social context. For some, fidelity can mean sexual exclusivity, while for others it can mean emotional intimacy or shared values. Again, the value of this concept lies in its ability to stimulate discussion and debate about what we understand by fidelity and how we can work towards it in our relationships. In contrast to these fundamentally controversial concepts, others are clearly defined and have clear criteria for their application. For example, the term “gravity” is well-defined and can be measured using clear criteria. Likewise, the term “temperature” can be measured with a thermometer and has clear criteria for its application. These concepts are not challenged as they are based on empirical evidence and can be objectively measured. The value of fundamentally questionable concepts lies in their ability to stimulate debate and discussion about important issues. By participating in these debates, we can better understand what we mean by development, fidelity, and other controversial concepts. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better outcomes for society as a whole. However, it is important to realize that these concepts are not well defined and different groups may have them.

Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago
Reply to  Samuel Nfodzo

I’m very sorry it was a mistake please

Last edited 1 year ago by Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
Samuel Nfodzo
1 year ago

I serve my generation first through intercession. Through my unwavering dedication to praying for the people the Lord has entrusted to me, I can direct and shape their lives toward their purpose. I refuse to complain about the individuals I serve, but instead choose to intercede for them with all my heart. It is my firm belief that through this selfless act, I can make a positive impact on the lives of those around me.

1 year ago

i dont lord over the people the Lord has given but i intercede for my brethren!!

Emmanuel Opoku
Emmanuel Opoku
1 year ago

“Moses did not lead the people of Israel by his own strength”
We see him interceeding for them as his first respond to their reactions. Wise virtue learnt here. I intercede.

Thank you Jesus.

Last edited 1 year ago by Emmanuel Opoku
Samiratu Sulley
Samiratu Sulley
1 year ago

I am an intercessor
I don’t lead by my own strength, I lead by the strength of the Lord.
Thank you Jesus

1 year ago

Glory to God

I don’t complain about the people the Lord has entrusted to me.

I intercede for them.

I stand in the Gap for them.


Emmanuel Nanor
Emmanuel Nanor
1 year ago

I have been called to lead my generation and I do it with the strength of the lord
A kingdom leader does not complain about the people the lord entrusted into his care rather he stands in the gap and intercedes for them that their lives would be shaped and fulfil purpose
I am a kingdom leader
I am a global Icon
Glory to God!

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